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class scald_plugin_display_library extends views_plugin_display_page {

   * The library won't go through the normal theming / page rendering
   * process. Instead, we'll just fetch / render the atoms, and print
   * the JSON by itself.
   * We won't be returning anything, which tells Drupal that everything
   * is already rendered.
  function execute() {

    // Hide the links that Views would normally display, as they confuse
    // DnD.
    $library = array();

    // Execute the view to get all the filter that applies.

    // And now extract a summary from all the options that were filled.
    foreach ($this->view->filter as $id => $filter) {
      if ($filter->options['exposed']) {
        $value = $filter->value;

        // For Date filters, we need to preprocess a bit the date. Well,
        // ok, more than a bit...
        if ($filter instanceof date_api_filter_handler) {
          $dates = array();
          if ($filter->operator == 'between') {
            if ($value['min']) {
              $d = date_make_date($value['min']);
              $dates['min'] = '>' . date_format($d, $filter->format);
            if ($value['max']) {
              $d = date_make_date($value['max']);
              $dates['max'] = '<' . date_format($d, $filter->format);
          else {
            if ($value['value']) {
              $d = date_make_date($value['value']);
              $dates['value'] = date_format($d, $filter->format);
          $value = $dates;
        elseif ($filter instanceof views_handler_filter_term_node_tid && is_array($value)) {
          $names = array();

          // When migrating to D7, use the very useful _multiple variant
          // to reduce the number of queries.
          foreach ($value as $tid) {
            $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
            $names[] = $term->name;
          $value = $names;
        elseif ($filter instanceof views_handler_filter_user_name && is_array($value)) {
          $names = array();
          foreach ($value as $uid) {
            $account = user_load(array(
              'uid' => $uid,
            $names[] = $account->name;
          $value = $names;
        elseif ($filter instanceof views_handler_filter_boolean_operator) {
          if ($value == 'All') {
            $value = '';
          else {
            $value = $filter->value_options[$value];
        elseif (is_array($value) && $filter->value_options) {
          foreach ($value as $k => $key) {
            if ($filter->value_options[$key]) {
              $value[$k] = $filter->value_options[$key];
        if (is_array($value)) {
          $value = implode(', ', $value);
        if ($value) {
          $summary['criteria'][] = $filter->options['expose']['label'] . ': ' . $value;

    // Add info about how we sort the view.
    if ($this->view->style_plugin->active) {
      $sort = $this->view->style_plugin->active;
      $label = $this->view->field[$sort]->options['label'];
      $order = $this->view->style_plugin->order;
      $orders = array(
        'asc' => t('Ascending'),
        'desc' => t('Descending'),
      $summary['sort'] = t('<span class="label">Sort:</span> @criteria', array(
        '@criteria' => $label . ' ' . $orders[$order],
    $this->view->hide_admin_links = TRUE;
    $view = $this->view
    $messages = theme('status_messages');
    $library['library'] = $messages . $view;
    $header = '<div class="summary">';
    $header .= '<div class="toggle"></div><div class="title">' . t('search') . '</div>';
    if (!empty($summary['sort'])) {
      $header .= '<div class="sort">' . $summary['sort'] . '</div>';
    $header .= theme('item_list', $summary['criteria']);
    $header .= '</div>';
    $library['library'] = preg_replace('#</fieldset>#', '</fieldset>' . $header, $library['library'], 1);
    foreach ($this->view->result as $result) {
      $sid = $result->sid;
      scald_dnd_library_add_item($library, $sid);
    $atom_types = module_invoke_all('scald_atom_quickadd');
    $buttons = array();
    foreach ($atom_types as $type) {
      $buttons[] = array(
        'data' => l(t($type['type']), $type['addpath'], array(
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => $type['class'],
        'class' => 'add-' . strtolower($type['type']),
    $library['menu'] = '<div class="scald-menu"><div class="add-buttons">' . theme_item_list($buttons) . '</div></div>';
    $library['library'] = '<div class="scald-library">' . $library['library'] . '</div>';
    $library['anchor'] = '<div class="scald-anchor"></div>';

