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SassParser.php in Sassy 7.3


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/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */

 * SassParser class file.
 * See the {@link Sass documentation}
 * for details of Sass.
 * Credits:
 * This is a port of Sass to PHP. All the genius comes from the people that
 * invented and develop Sass; in particular:
 * + {@link Hampton Catlin},
 * + {@link Nathan Weizenbaum},
 * + {@link Chris Eppstein}
 * The bugs are mine. Please report any found at {@link}
 * @author      Chris Yates <>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2010 PBM Web Development
 * @license
 * @package      PHamlP
 * @subpackage  Sass
require_once 'SassFile.php';
require_once 'SassException.php';
require_once 'tree/SassNode.php';

 * SassParser class.
 * Parses {@link .sass and .sccs} files.
 * @package      PHamlP
 * @subpackage  Sass
class SassParser {

   * Default option values
  const CACHE = true;
  const CACHE_LOCATION = './sass-cache';
  const CSS_LOCATION = './css';
  const TEMPLATE_LOCATION = './sass-templates';
  const BEGIN_COMMENT = '/';
  const BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT = '/*';
  const END_CSS_COMMENT = '*/';
  const BEGIN_SASS_COMMENT = '//';
  const BEGIN_BLOCK = '{';
  const END_BLOCK = '}';
  const END_STATEMENT = ';';
  const DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"';
  const SINGLE_QUOTE = "'";

   * Static holder for last instance of a SassParser
  public static $instance;

   * @var string the character used for indenting
   * @see indentChars
   * @see indentSpaces
  private $indentChar;

   * @var array allowable characters for indenting
  private $indentChars = array(
    ' ',

   * @var integer number of spaces for indentation.
   * Used to calculate {@link Level} if {@link indentChar} is space.
  private $indentSpaces = 2;

   * @var string source
  private $source;

   * Option
  private $basepath;

   * cache:
   * @var boolean Whether parsed Sass files should be cached, allowing greater
   * speed.
   * Defaults to true.
  private $cache;

   * cache_location:
   * @var string The path where the cached sassc files should be written to.
   * Defaults to './sass-cache'.
  private $cache_location;

   * css_location:
   * @var string The path where CSS output should be written to.
   * Defaults to './css'.
  private $css_location;

   * debug_info:
   * @var boolean When true the line number and file where a selector is defined
   * is emitted into the compiled CSS in a format that can be understood by the
   * {@link
   * FireSass Firebug extension}.
   * Disabled when using the compressed output style.
   * Defaults to false.
   * @see style
  private $debug_info;

   * extensions:
   * @var array Sass extensions, e.g. Compass. An associative array of the form
   * $name => $options where $name is the name of the extension and $options
   * is an array of name=>value options pairs.
  protected $extensions;

   * filename:
   * @var string The filename of the file being rendered.
   * This is used solely for reporting errors.
  protected $filename;

   * function:
   * @var An array of (function_name => callback) items.
  public static $functions;

   * line:
   * @var integer The number of the first line of the Sass template. Used for
   * reporting line numbers for errors. This is useful to set if the Sass
   * template is embedded.
   * Defaults to 1.
  private $line;

   * line_numbers:
   * @var boolean When true the line number and filename where a selector is
   * defined is emitted into the compiled CSS as a comment. Useful for debugging
   * especially when using imports and mixins.
   * Disabled when using the compressed output style or the debug_info option.
   * Defaults to false.
   * @see debug_info
   * @see style
  private $line_numbers;

   * load_paths:
   * @var array An array of filesystem paths which should be searched for
   * Sass templates imported with the @import directive.
   * Defaults to './sass-templates'.
  private $load_paths;
  private $load_path_functions;

   * property_syntax:
   * @var string Forces the document to use one syntax for
   * properties. If the correct syntax isn't used, an error is thrown.
   * Value can be:
   * + new - forces the use of a colon or equals sign after the property name.
   * For example   color: #0f3 or width: $main_width.
   * + old -  forces the use of a colon before the property name.
   * For example: :color #0f3 or :width = $main_width.
   * By default, either syntax is valid.
   * Ignored for SCSS files which alaways use the new style.
  private $property_syntax;

   * quiet:
   * @var boolean When set to true, causes warnings to be disabled.
   * Defaults to false.
  private $quiet;

   * style:
   * @var string the style of the CSS output.
   * Value can be:
   * + nested - Nested is the default Sass style, because it reflects the
   * structure of the document in much the same way Sass does. Each selector
   * and rule has its own line with indentation is based on how deeply the rule
   * is nested. Nested style is very useful when looking at large CSS files as
   * it allows you to very easily grasp the structure of the file without
   * actually reading anything.
   * + expanded - Expanded is the typical human-made CSS style, with each selector
   * and property taking up one line. Selectors are not indented; properties are
   * indented within the rules.
   * + compact - Each CSS rule takes up only one line, with every property defined
   * on that line. Nested rules are placed with each other while groups of rules
   * are separated by a blank line.
   * + compressed - Compressed has no whitespace except that necessary to separate
   * selectors and properties. It's not meant to be human-readable.
   * Defaults to 'nested'.
  private $style;

   * syntax:
   * @var string The syntax of the input file.
   * 'sass' for the indented syntax and 'scss' for the CSS-extension syntax.
   * This is set automatically when parsing a file, else defaults to 'sass'.
  private $syntax;

   * template_location:
   * @var string Path to the root sass template directory for your
   * application.
  private $template_location;

   * vendor_properties:
   * If enabled a property need only be written in the standard form and vendor
   * specific versions will be added to the style sheet.
   * @var mixed array: vendor properties, merged with the built-in vendor
   * properties, to automatically apply.
   * Boolean true: use built in vendor properties.
   * Defaults to vendor_properties disabled.
   * @see _vendorProperties
  private $vendor_properties = array();

   * debug:
   * If enabled it causes exceptions to be thrown on errors. This can be
   * useful for tracking down a bug in your sourcefile but will cause a
   * site to break if used in production unless the parser in wrapped in
   * a try/catch structure.
   * Defaults to FALSE
  private $debug = FALSE;


   * Defines the build-in vendor properties
   * @var array built-in vendor properties
   * @see vendor_properties
  private $_vendorProperties = array(
    'border-radius' => array(
    'border-top-right-radius' => array(
    'border-bottom-right-radius' => array(
    'border-bottom-left-radius' => array(
    'border-top-left-radius' => array(
    'box-shadow' => array(
    'box-sizing' => array(
    'opacity' => array(

   * Constructor.
   * Sets parser options
   * @param array $options
   * @return SassParser
  public function __construct($options = array()) {
    if (!is_array($options)) {
      if (isset($options['debug']) && $options['debug']) {
        throw new SassException('Options must be an array');
      $options = count((array) $options) ? (array) $options : array();
    if (!empty($options['vendor_properties'])) {
      if ($options['vendor_properties'] === true) {
        $this->vendor_properties = $this->_vendorProperties;
      elseif (is_array($options['vendor_properties'])) {
        $this->vendor_properties = array_merge($this->_vendorProperties, $options['vendor_properties']);
    unset($options['language'], $options['vendor_properties']);
    $basepath = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    $basepath = substr($basepath, 0, strrpos($basepath, '/') + 1);
    $defaultOptions = array(
      'basepath' => $basepath,
      'cache' => self::CACHE,
      'cache_location' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::CACHE_LOCATION,
      'css_location' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . self::CSS_LOCATION,
      'debug_info' => FALSE,
      'filename' => array(
        'dirname' => '',
        'basename' => '',
      'functions' => array(),
      'load_paths' => array(),
      'load_path_functions' => array(),
      'line' => 1,
      'line_numbers' => FALSE,
      'style' => SassRenderer::STYLE_NESTED,
      'syntax' => SassFile::SASS,
      'debug' => FALSE,
    $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
    self::$functions = $options['functions'];
    foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
      if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
        $this->{$name} = $value;
    self::$instance = $this;
    $GLOBALS['SassParser_debug'] = $this->debug;

   * Getter.
   * @param string name of property to get
   * @return mixed return value of getter function
  public function __get($name) {
    $getter = 'get' . ucfirst($name);
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
      return $this
    if (property_exists($this, $name)) {
      return $this->{$name};
    if ($this->debug) {
      throw new SassException('No getter function for ' . $name);
  public function getBasepath() {
    return $this->basepath;
  public function getCache() {
    return $this->cache;
  public function getCache_location() {
    return $this->cache_location;
  public function getCss_location() {
    return $this->css_location;
  public function getDebug_info() {
    return $this->debug_info;
  public function getFilename() {
    return $this->filename;
  public function getLine() {
    return $this->line;
  public function getSource() {
    return $this->source;
  public function getLine_numbers() {
    return $this->line_numbers;
  public function getFunctions() {
    return self::$functions;
  public function getLoad_paths() {
    return $this->load_paths;
  public function getLoad_path_functions() {
    return $this->load_path_functions;
  public function getProperty_syntax() {
    return $this->property_syntax;
  public function getQuiet() {
    return $this->quiet;
  public function getStyle() {
    return $this->style;
  public function getSyntax() {
    return $this->syntax;
  public function getTemplate_location() {
    return $this->template_location;
  public function getVendor_properties() {
    return $this->vendor_properties;
  public function getDebug() {
    return $this->debug;
  public function getOptions() {
    return array(
      'cache' => $this->cache,
      'cache_location' => $this->cache_location,
      'css_location' => $this->css_location,
      'filename' => $this->filename,
      'functions' => $this->functions,
      'line' => $this->line,
      'line_numbers' => $this->line_numbers,
      'load_paths' => $this->load_paths,
      'load_path_functions' => $this->load_path_functions,
      'property_syntax' => $this->property_syntax,
      'quiet' => $this->quiet,
      'style' => $this->style,
      'syntax' => $this->syntax,
      'template_location' => $this->template_location,
      'vendor_properties' => $this->vendor_properties,
      'debug' => $this->debug,

   * Parse a sass file or Sass source code and returns the CSS.
   * @param string name of source file or Sass source
   * @return string CSS
  public function toCss($source, $isFile = true) {
    return $this
      ->parse($source, $isFile)

   * Parse a sass file or Sass source code and
   * returns the document tree that can then be rendered.
   * The file will be searched for in the directories specified by the
   * load_paths option.
   * If caching is enabled a cached version will be used if possible or the
   * compiled version cached if not.
   * @param string name of source file or Sass source
   * @return SassRootNode Root node of document tree
  public function parse($source, $isFile = true) {

    # Richard Lyon - 2011-10-25 - ignore unfound files

    # Richard Lyon - 2011-10-25 - add multiple files to load functions
    if (!$source) {
      return $this
    if (is_array($source)) {
      $return = array();
      foreach ($source as $source_file) {
        $return = array_merge($return, $this
          ->parse($source_file, TRUE));
      return $return;
    if ($isFile && ($files = SassFile::get_file($source, $this))) {
      $files_source = '';
      foreach ($files as $file) {
        $this->filename = $file;
        $this->syntax = substr($this->filename, -4);
        if ($this->syntax !== SassFile::SASS && $this->syntax !== SassFile::SCSS) {
          if ($this->debug) {
            throw new SassException('Invalid {what}', array(
              '{what}' => 'syntax option',
          return FALSE;
        if ($this->cache) {
          $cached = SassFile::get_cached_file($this->filename, $this->cache_location);
          if ($cached !== false) {
            return $cached;
        $contents = file_get_contents($this->filename);
        SassFile::$parser = $this;
        SassFile::$path = $this->filename;
        $contents = preg_replace_callback('/url\\(\\s*[\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\\s*\\)/i', 'SassFile::resolve_paths', $contents);
        $files_source .= $contents;
        if ($this->cache) {
          SassFile::set_cached_file($tree, $filename, $this->cache_location);
      return $this
    else {
      return $this

   * Parse Sass source into a document tree.
   * If the tree is already created return that.
   * @param string Sass source
   * @return SassRootNode the root of this document tree
  private function toTree($source) {
    if ($this->syntax === SassFile::SASS) {
      $source = str_replace(array(
      ), "\n", $source);
      $this->source = explode("\n", $source);
    else {
      $this->source = $source;
    $root = new SassRootNode($this);
    return $root;

   * Builds a parse tree under the parent node.
   * Called recursivly until the source is parsed.
   * @param SassNode the node
  private function buildTree($parent) {
    $node = $this
    while (is_object($node) && $node
      ->isChildOf($parent)) {
      $node = $this
    return $node;

   * Creates and returns the next SassNode.
   * The tpye of SassNode depends on the content of the SassToken.
   * @return SassNode a SassNode of the appropriate type. Null when no more
   * source to parse.
  private function getNode($node) {
    $token = $this
    if (empty($token)) {
      return null;
    switch (true) {
      case SassDirectiveNode::isa($token):
        return $this
          ->parseDirective($token, $node);
      case SassCommentNode::isa($token):
        return new SassCommentNode($token);
      case SassVariableNode::isa($token):
        return new SassVariableNode($token);
      case SassPropertyNode::isa(array(
        'token' => $token,
        'syntax' => $this->property_syntax,
        return new SassPropertyNode($token, $this->property_syntax);
      case SassFunctionDefinitionNode::isa($token):
        return new SassFunctionDefinitionNode($token);
      case SassMixinDefinitionNode::isa($token):
        if ($this->syntax === SassFile::SCSS) {
          if ($this->debug) {
            throw new SassException('Mixin definition shortcut not allowed in SCSS', $this);
        else {
          return new SassMixinDefinitionNode($token);
      case SassMixinNode::isa($token):
        if ($this->syntax === SassFile::SCSS) {
          if ($this->debug) {
            throw new SassException('Mixin include shortcut not allowed in SCSS', $this);
        else {
          return new SassMixinNode($token);
        return new SassRuleNode($token);

    // switch

   * Returns a token object that contains the next source statement and
   * meta data about it.
   * @return object
  private function getToken() {
    return $this->syntax === SassFile::SASS ? $this
      ->sass2Token() : $this

   * Returns an object that contains the next source statement and meta data
   * about it from SASS source.
   * Sass statements are passed over. Statements spanning multiple lines, e.g.
   * CSS comments and selectors, are assembled into a single statement.
   * @return object Statement token. Null if end of source.
  private function sass2Token() {
    $statement = '';

    // source line being tokenised
    $token = null;
    while (is_null($token) && !empty($this->source)) {
      while (empty($statement) && !empty($this->source)) {
        $source = array_shift($this->source);
        $statement = trim($source);
      if (empty($statement)) {
      $level = $this

      // Comment statements can span multiple lines
      if ($statement[0] === self::BEGIN_COMMENT) {

        // Consume Sass comments
        if (substr($statement, 0, strlen(self::BEGIN_SASS_COMMENT)) === self::BEGIN_SASS_COMMENT) {
          while ($this
            ->getLevel($this->source[0]) > $level) {
        elseif (substr($statement, 0, strlen(self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT)) === self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT) {
          while ($this
            ->getLevel($this->source[0]) > $level) {
            $statement .= "\n" . ltrim(array_shift($this->source));
        else {
          $this->source = $statement;
          if ($this->debug) {
            throw new SassException('Illegal comment type', $this);
      elseif (substr($statement, -1) === SassRuleNode::CONTINUED) {

        // Build the selector statement
        while ($this
          ->getLevel($this->source[0]) === $level) {
          $statement .= ltrim(array_shift($this->source));
      $token = (object) array(
        'source' => $statement,
        'level' => $level,
        'filename' => $this->filename,
        'line' => $this->line - 1,
    return $token;

   * Returns the level of the line.
   * Used for .sass source
   * @param string the source
   * @return integer the level of the source
   * @throws Exception if the source indentation is invalid
  private function getLevel($source) {
    $indent = strlen($source) - strlen(ltrim($source));
    $level = $indent / $this->indentSpaces;
    if (is_float($level)) {
      $level = (int) ceil($level);
    if (!is_int($level) || preg_match("/[^{$this->indentChar}]/", substr($source, 0, $indent))) {
      $this->source = $source;
      if ($this->debug) {
        throw new SassException('Invalid indentation', $this);
      else {
        return 0;
    return $level;

   * Returns an object that contains the next source statement and meta data
   * about it from SCSS source.
   * @return object Statement token. Null if end of source.
  private function scss2Token() {
    static $srcpos = 0;

    // current position in the source stream
    static $srclen;

    // the length of the source stream
    $statement = '';
    $token = null;
    if (empty($srclen)) {
      $srclen = strlen($this->source);
    while (is_null($token) && $srcpos < strlen($this->source)) {
      $c = $this->source[$srcpos++];
      switch ($c) {
        case self::BEGIN_COMMENT:
          if (substr($this->source, $srcpos - 1, strlen(self::BEGIN_SASS_COMMENT)) === self::BEGIN_SASS_COMMENT) {
            while ($this->source[$srcpos++] !== "\n") {
            $statement .= "\n";
          elseif (substr($this->source, $srcpos - 1, strlen(self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT)) === self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT) {
            if (ltrim($statement)) {
              if ($this->debug) {
                throw new SassException('Invalid comment', (object) array(
                  'source' => $statement,
                  'filename' => $this->filename,
                  'line' => $this->line,
            $statement .= $c . $this->source[$srcpos++];
            while (substr($this->source, $srcpos, strlen(self::END_CSS_COMMENT)) !== self::END_CSS_COMMENT) {
              $statement .= $this->source[$srcpos++];
            $srcpos += strlen(self::END_CSS_COMMENT);
            $token = $this
              ->createToken($statement . self::END_CSS_COMMENT);
          else {
            $statement .= $c;
        case self::DOUBLE_QUOTE:
        case self::SINGLE_QUOTE:
          $statement .= $c;
          while ($this->source[$srcpos] !== $c) {
            $statement .= $this->source[$srcpos++];
          $statement .= $this->source[$srcpos++];
        case self::BEGIN_INTERPOLATION:
          $statement .= $c;
          if (substr($this->source, $srcpos - 1, strlen(self::BEGIN_INTERPOLATION_BLOCK)) === self::BEGIN_INTERPOLATION_BLOCK) {
            while ($this->source[$srcpos] !== self::END_BLOCK) {
              $statement .= $this->source[$srcpos++];
            $statement .= $this->source[$srcpos++];
        case self::BEGIN_BLOCK:
        case self::END_BLOCK:
        case self::END_STATEMENT:
          $token = $this
            ->createToken($statement . $c);
          if (is_null($token)) {
            $statement = '';
          $statement .= $c;
    if (is_null($token)) {
      $srclen = $srcpos = 0;
    return $token;

   * Returns an object that contains the source statement and meta data about
   * it.
   * If the statement is just and end block we update the meta data and return null.
   * @param string source statement
   * @return SassToken
  private function createToken($statement) {
    static $level = 0;
    $this->line += substr_count($statement, "\n");
    $statement = trim($statement);
    if (substr($statement, 0, strlen(self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT)) !== self::BEGIN_CSS_COMMENT) {
      $statement = str_replace(array(
      ), '', $statement);
    $last = substr($statement, -1);

    // Trim the statement removing whitespace, end statement (;), begin block ({), and (unless the statement ends in an interpolation block) end block (})
    $statement = rtrim($statement, ' ' . self::BEGIN_BLOCK . self::END_STATEMENT);
    $statement = preg_match('/#\\{.+?\\}$/i', $statement) ? $statement : rtrim($statement, self::END_BLOCK);
    $token = $statement ? (object) array(
      'source' => $statement,
      'level' => $level,
      'filename' => $this->filename,
      'line' => $this->line,
    ) : null;
    $level += $last === self::BEGIN_BLOCK ? 1 : ($last === self::END_BLOCK ? -1 : 0);
    return $token;

   * Parses a directive
   * @param SassToken token to parse
   * @param SassNode parent node
   * @return SassNode a Sass directive node
  private function parseDirective($token, $parent) {
    switch (SassDirectiveNode::extractDirective($token)) {
      case '@extend':
        return new SassExtendNode($token);
      case '@function':
        return new SassFunctionDefinitionNode($token);
      case '@return':
        return new SassReturnNode($token);
      case '@mixin':
        return new SassMixinDefinitionNode($token);
      case '@include':
        return new SassMixinNode($token);
      case '@import':
        if ($this->syntax == SassFile::SASS) {
          $i = 0;
          $source = '';
          while (!empty($this->source) && empty($source)) {
            $source = $this->source[$i++];
          if (!empty($source) && $this
            ->getLevel($source) > $token->level) {
            if ($this->debug) {
              throw new SassException('Nesting not allowed beneath @import directive', $token);
        return new SassImportNode($token);
      case '@each':
        return new SassEachNode($token);
      case '@for':
        return new SassForNode($token);
      case '@if':
        return new SassIfNode($token);
      case '@else':

        // handles else and else if directives
        return new SassElseNode($token);
      case '@do':
      case '@while':
        return new SassWhileNode($token);
      case '@debug':
        return new SassDebugNode($token);
      case '@warn':
        return new SassDebugNode($token, true);
        return new SassDirectiveNode($token);

   * Determine the indent character and indent spaces.
   * The first character of the first indented line determines the character.
   * If this is a space the number of spaces determines the indentSpaces; this
   * is always 1 if the indent character is a tab.
   * Only used for .sass files.
   * @throws SassException if the indent is mixed or
   * the indent character can not be determined
  private function setIndentChar() {
    foreach ($this->source as $l => $source) {
      if (!empty($source) && in_array($source[0], $this->indentChars)) {
        $this->indentChar = $source[0];
        for ($i = 0, $len = strlen($source); $i < $len && $source[$i] == $this->indentChar; $i++) {
        if ($i < $len && in_array($source[$i], $this->indentChars)) {
          $this->line = ++$l;
          $this->source = $source;
          if ($this->debug) {
            throw new SassException('Mixed indentation not allowed', $this);
        $this->indentSpaces = $this->indentChar == ' ' ? $i : 1;

    // foreach
    $this->indentChar = ' ';
    $this->indentSpaces = 2;



Namesort descending Description
SassParser SassParser class. Parses {@link .sass and .sccs} files. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass