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class SassFile in Sassy 7.3

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  1. 7 phamlp/sass/SassFile.php \SassFile

SassFile class. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass


Expanded class hierarchy of SassFile


phpsass/SassFile.php, line 18

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class SassFile {
  const CSS = 'css';
  const SASS = 'sass';
  const SCSS = 'scss';
  const SASSC = 'sassc';
  private static $extensions = array(
  public static $path = FALSE;
  public static $parser = FALSE;

   * Returns the parse tree for a file.
   * If caching is enabled a cached version will be used if possible; if not the
   * parsed file will be cached.
   * @param string filename to parse
   * @param SassParser Sass parser
   * @return SassRootNode
  public static function get_tree($filename, $parser) {
    if ($parser->cache) {
      $cached = self::get_cached_file($filename, $parser->cache_location);
      if ($cached !== false) {
        return $cached;
    $contents = file_get_contents($filename) . "\n\n ";

    #add some whitespace to fix bug
    SassFile::$parser = $parser;
    SassFile::$path = $filename;
    $contents = preg_replace_callback('/url\\(\\s*[\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\\s*\\)/i', 'SassFile::resolve_paths', $contents);
    $sassParser = new SassParser(array_merge($parser->options, array(
      'line' => 1,
    $tree = $sassParser
      ->parse($contents, FALSE);
    if ($parser->cache) {
      self::set_cached_file($tree, $filename, $parser->cache_location);
    return $tree;
  public static function resolve_paths($matches, $inc_url = TRUE) {

    // Resolve the path into something nicer...
    $path = (self::$parser ? self::$parser->basepath : '') . self::$path;
    $path = substr($path, 0, strrpos($path, '/')) . '/';
    $path = $path . $matches[1];
    $last = '';
    while ($path != $last) {
      $last = $path;
      $path = preg_replace('`(^|/)(?!\\.\\./)([^/]+)/\\.\\./`', '$1', $path);
    return $inc_url ? 'url("' . $path . '")' : $path;

   * Returns the full path to a file to parse.
   * The file is looked for recursively under the load_paths directories and
   * the template_location directory.
   * If the filename does not end in .sass or .scss try the current syntax first
   * then, if a file is not found, try the other syntax.
   * @param string filename to find
   * @param SassParser Sass parser
   * @return array of string path(s) to file(s) or FALSE if no such file
  public static function get_file($filename, $parser, $repass = TRUE) {
    $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1);
    if (substr($filename, -1) != '*' && $ext !== self::SASS && $ext !== self::SCSS && $ext !== self::CSS) {
      return self::get_file($filename . '.' . $parser->syntax, $parser);
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
      return array(
    $paths = $parser->load_paths;
    if (is_string($parser->filename) && strlen($parser->filename)) {
      $paths[] = dirname($parser->filename);
    foreach ($paths as $path) {
      $filepath = self::find_file($filename, realpath($path));
      if ($filepath !== false) {
        return array(
    foreach ($parser->load_path_functions as $function) {
      if (function_exists($function) && ($paths = call_user_func($function, $filename, $parser))) {
        return $paths;
    if ($repass) {
      return self::get_file(self::resolve_paths(array(
        1 => $filename,
      ), FALSE), $parser, FALSE);
    return FALSE;

   * Looks for the file recursively in the specified directory.
   * This will also look for _filename to handle Sass partials.
   * @param string filename to look for
   * @param string path to directory to look in and under
   * @return mixed string: full path to file if found, false if not
  public static function find_file($filename, $dir) {
    $partialname = dirname($filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_' . basename($filename);
    foreach (array(
    ) as $file) {
      if (file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
        return realpath($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
    if (is_dir($dir)) {
      $files = array_slice(scandir($dir), 2);
      foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (is_dir($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
          $path = self::find_file($filename, $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
          if ($path !== false) {
            return $path;

      // foreach
    return false;

   * Returns a cached version of the file if available.
   * @param string filename to fetch
   * @param string path to cache location
   * @return mixed the cached file if available or false if it is not
  public static function get_cached_file($filename, $cacheLocation) {
    $cached = realpath($cacheLocation) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($filename) . '.' . self::SASSC;
    if ($cached && file_exists($cached) && filemtime($cached) >= filemtime($filename)) {
      return unserialize(file_get_contents($cached));
    return false;

   * Saves a cached version of the file.
   * @param SassRootNode Sass tree to save
   * @param string filename to save
   * @param string path to cache location
   * @return mixed the cached file if available or false if it is not
  public static function set_cached_file($sassc, $filename, $cacheLocation) {
    $cacheDir = realpath($cacheLocation);
    if (!$cacheDir) {
      @chmod($cacheLocation, 0777);
      $cacheDir = realpath($cacheLocation);
    $cached = $cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($filename) . '.' . self::SASSC;
    return file_put_contents($cached, serialize($sassc));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SassFile::$extensions private static property
SassFile::$parser public static property
SassFile::$path public static property
SassFile::CSS constant
SassFile::find_file public static function Looks for the file recursively in the specified directory. This will also look for _filename to handle Sass partials.
SassFile::get_cached_file public static function Returns a cached version of the file if available.
SassFile::get_file public static function Returns the full path to a file to parse. The file is looked for recursively under the load_paths directories and the template_location directory. If the filename does not end in .sass or .scss try the current syntax first then, if a file is not…
SassFile::get_tree public static function Returns the parse tree for a file. If caching is enabled a cached version will be used if possible; if not the parsed file will be cached.
SassFile::resolve_paths public static function
SassFile::SASS constant
SassFile::SASSC constant
SassFile::SCSS constant
SassFile::set_cached_file public static function Saves a cached version of the file.