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abstract class SassLiteral in Sassy 7

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  1. 7.3 phpsass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php \SassLiteral

SassLiteral class. Base class for all Sass literals. Sass data types are extended from this class and these override the operation methods to provide the appropriate semantics. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.script.literals


Expanded class hierarchy of SassLiteral


phamlp/sass/script/literals/SassLiteral.php, line 22

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abstract class SassLiteral {

   * @var array maps class names to data types
  private static $typeOf = array(
    'SassBoolean' => 'bool',
    'SassColour' => 'color',
    'SassNumber' => 'number',
    'SassString' => 'string',

   * @var mixed value of the literal type
  protected $value;

   * class constructor
   * @param string value of the literal type
   * @return SassLiteral
  public function __construct($value = null, $context) {
    $this->value = $value;
    $this->context = $context;

   * Getter.
   * @param string name of property to get
   * @return mixed return value of getter function
  public function __get($name) {
    $getter = 'get' . ucfirst($name);
    if (method_exists($this, $getter)) {
      return $this
    else {
      throw new SassLiteralException('No getter function for {what}', array(
        '{what}' => $name,
      ), array(), SassScriptParser::$context->node);
  public function __toString() {
    return $this

   * Returns the boolean representation of the value of this
   * @return boolean the boolean representation of the value of this
  public function toBoolean() {
    return (bool) $this->value || $this->value === null;

   * Returns the type of this
   * @return string the type of this
  protected function getTypeOf() {
    return self::$typeOf[get_class($this)];

   * Returns the value of this
   * @return mixed the value of this
  protected function getValue() {
    throw new SassLiteralException('Child classes must override this method', array(), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Adds a child object to this.
   * @param sassLiteral the child object
  public function addChild($sassLiteral) {
    $this->children[] = $sassLiteral;

   * SassScript '+' operation.
   * @param sassLiteral value to add
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other with no seperation
  public function op_plus($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . $other

   * SassScript '-' operation.
   * @param SassLiteral value to subtract
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other seperated by '-'
  public function op_minus($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . '-' . $other

   * SassScript '*' operation.
   * @param SassLiteral value to multiply by
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other seperated by '*'
  public function op_times($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . '*' . $other

   * SassScript '/' operation.
   * @param SassLiteral value to divide by
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other seperated by '/'
  public function op_div($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . '/' . $other

   * SassScript '%' operation.
   * @param SassLiteral value to take the modulus of
   * @return SassLiteral result
   * @throws Exception if modulo not supported for the data type
  public function op_modulo($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Modulus'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Bitwise AND the value of other and this value
   * @param string value to bitwise AND with
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise AND not supported for the data type
  public function op_bw_and($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise AND'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Bitwise OR the value of other and this value
   * @param SassNumber value to bitwise OR with
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise OR not supported for the data type
  public function op_bw_or($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise OR'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Bitwise XOR the value of other and the value of this
   * @param SassNumber value to bitwise XOR with
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise XOR not supported for the data type
  public function op_bw_xor($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise XOR'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Bitwise NOT the value of other and the value of this
   * @param SassNumber value to bitwise NOT with
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise NOT not supported for the data type
  public function op_bw_not() {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise NOT'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Shifts the value of this left by the number of bits given in value
   * @param SassNumber amount to shift left by
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise Shift Left not supported for the data type
  public function op_shiftl($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise Shift Left'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Shifts the value of this right by the number of bits given in value
   * @param SassNumber amount to shift right by
   * @return string result
   * @throws Exception if bitwise Shift Right not supported for the data type
  public function op_shiftr($other) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('{class} does not support {operation}.', array(
      '{class}' => get_class($this),
      '{operation}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'Bitwise Shift Right'),
    ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * The SassScript and operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to and with this
   * @return SassLiteral other if this is boolean true, this if false
  public function op_and($other) {
    return $this
      ->toBoolean() ? $other : $this;

   * The SassScript or operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to or with this
   * @return SassLiteral this if this is boolean true, other if false
  public function op_or($other) {
    return $this
      ->toBoolean() ? $this : $other;
  public function op_assign($other) {
    return $other;

   * The SassScript xor operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to xor with this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if this or
   * other, but not both, are true, false if not
  public function op_xor($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this
      ->toBoolean() xor $other

   * The SassScript not operation.
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if the
   * boolean of this is false or false if it is true
  public function op_not() {
    return new SassBoolean(!$this

   * The SassScript > operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if the values
   * of this is greater than the value of other, false if it is not
  public function op_gt($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this->value > $other->value);

   * The SassScript >= operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if the values
   * of this is greater than or equal to the value of other, false if it is not
  public function op_gte($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this->value >= $other->value);

   * The SassScript < operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if the values
   * of this is less than the value of other, false if it is not
  public function op_lt($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this->value < $other->value);

   * The SassScript <= operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if the values
   * of this is less than or equal to the value of other, false if it is not
  public function op_lte($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this->value <= $other->value);

   * The SassScript == operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if this and
   * other are equal, false if they are not
  public function op_eq($other) {
    return new SassBoolean($this == $other);

   * The SassScript != operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to compare to this
   * @return SassBoolean SassBoolean object with the value true if this and
   * other are not equal, false if they are
  public function op_neq($other) {
    return new SassBoolean(!$this

   * The SassScript default operation (e.g. $a $b, "foo" "bar").
   * @param sassLiteral the value to concatenate with a space to this
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other seperated by " "
  public function op_concat($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . ' ' . $other

   * SassScript ',' operation.
   * @param sassLiteral the value to concatenate with a comma to this
   * @return sassString the string values of this and other seperated by ","
  public function op_comma($other) {
    return new SassString($this
      ->toString() . ', ' . $other

   * Asserts that the literal is the expected type
   * @param SassLiteral the literal to test
   * @param string expected type
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if value is not the expected type
  public static function assertType($literal, $type) {
    if (!$literal instanceof $type) {
      throw new SassScriptFunctionException('{what} must be a {type}', array(
        '{what}' => $literal instanceof SassLiteral ? $literal->typeOf : 'literal',
        '{type}' => $type,
      ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Asserts that the value of a literal is within the expected range
   * @param SassLiteral the literal to test
   * @param float the minimum value
   * @param float the maximum value
   * @param string the units.
   * @throws SassScriptFunctionException if value is not the expected type
  public static function assertInRange($literal, $min, $max, $units = '') {
    if ($literal->value < $min || $literal->value > $max) {
      throw new SassScriptFunctionException('{what} must be {inRange}', array(
        '{what}' => $literal->typeOf,
        '{inRange}' => Phamlp::t('sass', 'between {min} and {max} inclusive', array(
          '{min}' => $min . $units,
          '{max}' => $max . $units,
      ), SassScriptParser::$context->node);

   * Returns a string representation of the value.
   * @return string string representation of the value.
  public abstract function toString();

   * Returns a value indicating if a token of this type can be matched at
   * the start of the subject string.
   * @param string the subject string
   * @return mixed match at the start of the string or false if no match
  public static function isa($subject) {
    throw new SassLiteralException('Child classes must override this method');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SassLiteral::$typeOf private static property *
SassLiteral::$value protected property *
SassLiteral::addChild public function * Adds a child object to this. *
SassLiteral::assertInRange public static function * Asserts that the value of a literal is within the expected range *
SassLiteral::assertType public static function * Asserts that the literal is the expected type *
SassLiteral::getTypeOf protected function * Returns the type of this * 1
SassLiteral::getValue protected function * Returns the value of this * 4
SassLiteral::isa public static function * Returns a value indicating if a token of this type can be matched at * the start of the subject string. * 6
SassLiteral::op_and public function * The SassScript and operation. *
SassLiteral::op_assign public function
SassLiteral::op_bw_and public function * Bitwise AND the value of other and this value * 1
SassLiteral::op_bw_not public function * Bitwise NOT the value of other and the value of this *
SassLiteral::op_bw_or public function * Bitwise OR the value of other and this value * 1
SassLiteral::op_bw_xor public function * Bitwise XOR the value of other and the value of this * 1
SassLiteral::op_comma public function * SassScript ',' operation. *
SassLiteral::op_concat public function * The SassScript default operation (e.g. $a $b, "foo" "bar"). *
SassLiteral::op_div public function * SassScript '/' operation. * 2
SassLiteral::op_eq public function * The SassScript == operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_gt public function * The SassScript > operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_gte public function * The SassScript >= operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_lt public function * The SassScript < operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_lte public function * The SassScript <= operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_minus public function * SassScript '-' operation. * 2
SassLiteral::op_modulo public function * SassScript '%' operation. * 2
SassLiteral::op_neq public function * The SassScript != operation. *
SassLiteral::op_not public function * The SassScript not operation. * 1
SassLiteral::op_or public function * The SassScript or operation. *
SassLiteral::op_plus public function * SassScript '+' operation. * 3
SassLiteral::op_shiftl public function * Shifts the value of this left by the number of bits given in value * 1
SassLiteral::op_shiftr public function * Shifts the value of this right by the number of bits given in value * 1
SassLiteral::op_times public function * SassScript '*' operation. * 3
SassLiteral::op_xor public function * The SassScript xor operation. *
SassLiteral::toBoolean public function * Returns the boolean representation of the value of this *
SassLiteral::toString abstract public function * Returns a string representation of the value. * 6
SassLiteral::__construct public function * class constructor * 6
SassLiteral::__get public function * Getter. *
SassLiteral::__toString public function