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class SassExtentionsCompassFunctionsUrls in Sassy 7

Compass extension SassScript urls functions class. A collection of functions for use in SassSCript. @package PHamlP @subpackage Sass.extensions.compass.functions


Expanded class hierarchy of SassExtentionsCompassFunctionsUrls


phamlp/sass/extensions/compass/functions/urls.php, line 18

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class SassExtentionsCompassFunctionsUrls {
  public function stylesheet_url($path, $only_path = null) {
    $path = $path->value;

    # get to the string value of the literal.

    # Compute the $path to the stylesheet, either root relative or stylesheet relative

    # or nil if the http_images_path is not set in the configuration.
    if (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('relative_assets')) {
      $http_css_path = self::compute_relative_path(SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('css_path'));
    elseif (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_css_path')) {
      $http_css_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_css_path');
    else {
      $http_css_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('css_dir');
    return new SassString(self::clean("{$http_css_path}/{$path}", $only_path));
  public function font_url($path, $only_path = null) {
    $path = $path->value;

    # get to the string value of the literal.

    # Short circuit if they have provided an absolute url.
    if (self::is_absolute_path($path)) {
      return new SassString("url('{$path}')");

    # Compute the $path to the font file, either root relative or stylesheet relative

    # or nil if the http_fonts_path cannot be determined from the configuration.
    if (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('relative_assets')) {
      $http_fonts_path = self::compute_relative_path(SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('fonts_path'));
    else {
      $http_fonts_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_fonts_path');
    return new SassString(self::clean("{$http_fonts_path}/{$path}", $only_path));
  public function image_url($path, $only_path = null) {
    $path = $path->value;

    # get to the string value of the literal.
    if (preg_match('%^' . preg_quote(SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_images_path'), '%') . '/(.*)%', $path, $matches)) {

      # Treat root relative urls (without a protocol) like normal if they start with

      # the images $path.
      $path = $matches[1];
    elseif (self::is_absolute_path($path)) {

      # Short curcuit if they have provided an absolute url.
      return new SassString("url('{$path}')");

    # Compute the $path to the image, either root relative or stylesheet relative

    # or nil if the http_images_path is not set in the configuration.
    if (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('relative_assets')) {
      $http_images_path = self::compute_relative_path(SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('images_path'));
    elseif (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_images_path')) {
      $http_images_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('http_images_path');
    else {
      $http_images_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('images_dir');

    # Compute the real $path to the image on the file stystem if the images_dir is set.
    if (SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('images_dir')) {
      $real_path = SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('project_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . SassExtentionsCompassConfig::config('images_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path;

    # prepend the $path to the image if there's one
    if ($http_images_path) {
      $http_images_path .= substr($http_images_path, -1) === '/' ? '' : '/';
      $path = $http_images_path . $path;

    /*		# Compute the asset host unless in relative mode.
    		asset_host = if !(self::relative()) && Compass.configuration.asset_host$path)

    		# Compute and append the cache buster if there is one.
    		if buster = compute_cache_buster($path, real_path)
    			$path += "?#{buster}"

    		# prepend the asset host if there is one.
    		$path = "#{asset_host}#{'/' unless $path[0..0] == "/"}#{$path}" if asset_host*/
    return new SassString(self::clean($path, $only_path));

  # takes off any leading "./".

  # if $only_path emits a $path, else emits a url
  private function clean($url, $only_path) {
    if (!$only_path instanceof SassBoolean) {
      $only_path = new SassBoolean('false');
    $url = substr($url, 0, 2) === './' ? substr($url, 2) : $url;
    return $only_path
      ->toBoolean() ? $url : "url('{$url}')";
  private function is_absolute_path($path) {
    return $path[0] === '/' || substr($path, 0, 4) === 'http';

  // returns the path relative to the target css file
  private function compute_relative_path($path) {
    return $path;

    /*		if (target_css_file = options[:css_filename]) {$path).relative_path_from(

