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Haml.php in Sassy 7


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/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */

 * HamlViewRenderer class file.
 * Renders {@link HAML} view files.
 * Please see the {@link HAML documentation} for the syntax.
 * To use HamlViewRenderer, configure it as an application component named
 * "viewRenderer" in the application configuration:
 * <pre>
 * array(
 *   'components'=>array(
 *     ......
 *     'viewRenderer'=>array(
 *       'class'=>'HamlViewRenderer',
 *       .... options ....
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * )
 * </pre>
 * @author			Chris Yates <>
 * @copyright		Copyright &copy; 2010 PBM Web Development
 * @license
 * @package			PHamlP
 * @subpackage	Yii

 * HamlViewRenderer allows you to write view files in
 * {@link Haml}.
 * @package			PHamlP
 * @subpackage	Yii
class Haml extends CViewRenderer {

   * Configurable Options - Renderer

   * @var string the extension name of the source file. Defaults to '.haml'.
  public $fileExtension = '.haml';

   * @var string the extension name of the view file. Defaults to '.php'.
  public $viewFileExtension = '.php';

   * @var boolean whether to cache parsed files. If false files will be parsed
   * every time.
  public $cache = true;


   * Configurable Options - Haml

   * @var string DOCTYPE format
   * @see doctypes
  public $format = 'xhtml';

   * @var string custom doctype. If null (default) {@link format} must be
   * a key in {@link doctypes}
  public $doctype;

   * @var boolean whether or not to escape X(HT)ML-sensitive characters in script.
   * If this is true, = behaves like &=; otherwise, it behaves like !=.
   * Note that if this is set, != should be used for yielding to subtemplates
   * and rendering partials. Defaults to false.
  public $escapeHtml;

   * @var boolean Whether or not attribute hashes and scripts designated by
   * = or ~ should be evaluated. If true, the scripts are rendered as empty strings.
   * Defaults to false.
  public $suppressEval;

   * @var string The character that should wrap element attributes. Characters
   * of this type within attributes will be escaped (e.g. by replacing them with
   * &apos;) if the character is an apostrophe or a quotation mark.
   * Defaults to " (an quotation mark).
  public $attrWrapper;

   * @var string style of output. Can be:
   * nested: output is nested according to the indent level in the source
   * expanded: block tags have their own lines as does content which is indented
   * compact: block tags and their content go on one line
   * compressed: all unneccessary whitepaces is removed. If ugly is true this style is used.
  public $style;

   * @var boolean if true no attempt is made to properly indent or format
   * the output. Reduces size of output file but is not very readable.
   * Defaults to true.
  public $ugly;

   * @var boolean if true comments are preserved in ugly mode. If not in
   * ugly mode comments are always output. Defaults to false.
  public $preserveComments;

   * @var integer Initial debug setting:
   * no debug, show source, show output, or show all.
   * Debug settings can be controlled in the template
   * Defaults to DEBUG_NONE.
  public $debug;

   * @var string Path alias to filters. If specified this will be searched
   * first followed by 'haml.filters'. This allows the default filters to be
   * overridden.
  public $filterPathAlias;

   * @var array supported doctypes
   * @see format
  public $doctypes;

   * @var array A list of tag names that should be automatically self-closed
   * if they have no content.
  public $emptyTags;

   * @var array A list of inline tags for which whitespace is not collapsed
   * fully when in ugly mode or stripping outer whitespace.
  public $inlineTags;

   * @var array attributes that are minimised
  public $minimizedAttributes;

   * @var array A list of tag names that should automatically have their newlines preserved.
  public $preserve;

   * @var string Path to a file containing user defined Haml helpers.
  public $helperFile;


   * @var HamlParser the Haml parser
  private $haml;

   * @var array Haml parser option names. These are passed to the parser if set.
  private $hamlOptions = array(

   * @var string Path to filters. Derived from filterPathAlias.
  private $filterDir;

   * Do a sanity check on the options and setup alias to filters
  private function _init() {
    if (isset($this->filterPathAlias)) {
      $this->filterDir = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->filterPathAlias);
    if (isset($this->helperFile)) {
      $this->helperFile = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->helperFile) . '.php';
    $options = array();
    foreach ($this->hamlOptions as $option) {
      if (isset($this->{$option})) {
        $options[$option] = $this->{$option};

    // foreach
    $this->haml = new HamlParser($options);

   * Parses the source view file and saves the results as another file.
   * This method is required by the parent class.
   * @param string the source view file path
   * @param string the resulting view file path
  protected function generateViewFile($sourceFile, $viewFile) {
    if (substr($sourceFile, strlen($this->fileExtension) * -1) === $this->fileExtension) {
      if (empty($this->haml)) {
      $data = $this->haml
    else {
      $data = file_get_contents($sourceFile);
    file_put_contents($viewFile, $data);

   * Renders a view file.
   * This method is required by {@link IViewRenderer}.
   * @param CBaseController the controller or widget who is rendering the view file.
   * @param string the view file path
   * @param mixed the data to be passed to the view
   * @param boolean whether the rendering result should be returned
   * @return mixed the rendering result, or null if the rendering result is not needed.
  public function renderFile($context, $sourceFile, $data, $return) {
    $hamlSourceFile = substr($sourceFile, 0, strrpos($sourceFile, '.')) . $this->fileExtension;
    if (!is_file($hamlSourceFile) || ($file = realpath($hamlSourceFile)) === false) {
      return parent::renderFile($context, $sourceFile, $data, $return);
    $viewFile = $this
    $viewFile = str_replace($this->fileExtension . ($this->useRuntimePath ? '' : 'c'), $this->viewFileExtension, $viewFile);
    if (!$this->cache || @filemtime($sourceFile) > @filemtime($viewFile)) {
        ->generateViewFile($sourceFile, $viewFile);
      @chmod($viewFile, $this->filePermission);
    return $context
      ->renderInternal($viewFile, $data, $return);



Namesort descending Description
Haml HamlViewRenderer allows you to write view files in {@link Haml}. @package PHamlP @subpackage Yii