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sass.php in Sassy 7


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/* SVN FILE: $Id$ */

 * Sass Asset filter.
 * Allows Cake to parse Sass stylesheets using {@link PHamlP}.
 * If a .sass file is present a .css file will be used.
 * * To use the Sass parser:
 * * Put {@link PHamlP} in your vendors directory
 * * Put this file in your webroot directory
 * * Configure the SassParser using
 *   <pre>Configure::write('Sass.<optionName>', <optionValue>);</pre>
 *   See below for a description of options
 * * Add the following line in your core.php
 *   <pre>Configure::write('Asset.filter.css', 'sass.php');</pre>
 * * Create .sass stylesheets in your <pre>webroot/css</pre> directory
 *   Note: The generated links are to the <pre>webroot/ccss</pre> directory,
 *   so URLs in your stylesheets must be relative this.
 * @author			Chris Yates <>
 * @copyright 	Copyright (c) 2010 PBM Web Development
 * @license
 * @package			PHamlP
 * @subpackage	Cake
$sassOptions = array(

 * @var array options
 * The following options are available:
 * style: string Sets the style of the CSS output. Value can be:
 * nested - Nested is the default Sass style, because it reflects the
 * structure of the document in much the same way Sass does. Each selector
 * and rule has its own line with indentation is based on how deeply the rule
 * is nested. Nested style is very useful when looking at large CSS files for
 * the same reason Sass is useful for making them: it allows you to very
 * easily grasp the structure of the file without actually reading anything.
 * expanded - Expanded is the typical human-made CSS style, with each selector
 * and property taking up one line. Selectors are not indented; properties are
 * indented within the rules.
 * compact - Each CSS rule takes up only one line, with every property defined
 * on that line. Nested rules are placed with each other while groups of rules
 * are separated by a blank line.
 * compressed - Compressed has no whitespace except that necessary to separate
 * selectors and properties. It's not meant to be human-readable.
 * property_syntax: string Forces the document to use one syntax for
 * properties. If the correct syntax isn't used, an error is thrown.
 * Value can be:
 * new - forces the use of a colon or equals sign after the property name.
 * For example	 color: #0f3 or width = !main_width.
 * old -  forces the use of a colon before the property name.
 * For example: :color #0f3 or :width = !main_width.
 * By default, either syntax is valid.
 * cache: boolean Whether parsed Sass files should be cached, allowing greater
 * speed. Defaults to true.
 * always_update: boolean Whether the CSS files should be updated every time,
 * as opposed to only when the template has been modified. Defaults to false.
 * template_location: string Path to the root sass template directory for your
 * application.
 * css_location: string The path where CSS output should be written to.
 * Defaults to "./css".
 * cache_location: string The path where the cached sassc files should be
 * written to. Defaults to "./sass-cache".
 * load_paths: array An array of filesystem paths which should be searched for
 * Sass templates imported with the @import directive.
 * Defaults to
 * "./sass-templates".
 * line: integer The number of the first line of the Sass template. Used for
 * reporting line numbers for errors. This is useful to set if the Sass
 * template is embedded.
 * line_numbers: boolean When set to true, causes the line number and file
 * where a selector is defined to be emitted into the compiled CSS as a
 * comment. Useful for debugging especially when using imports and mixins.
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
  header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
  exit('File Not Found');
header("Content-Type: text/css");
header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, j M Y H:i:s", time() + DAY) . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: cache");

// HTTP/1.1
header("Pragma: cache");

// HTTP/1.0
if (preg_match('|\\.\\.|', $url) || !preg_match('|^ccss/(.+)$|i', $url, $regs)) {
  die('Wrong file name.');
$cssFile = CSS . $regs[1];
$sassFile = str_replace('.css', '.sass', $cssFile);

// Parse the Sass file if there is one
if (file_exists($sassFile)) {
  $options = array();
  foreach ($sassOptions as $option) {
    $_option = Configure::read("Sass.{$option}");
    if (!is_null($_option)) {
      $options[$option] = $_option;

  // foreach
  App::import('Vendor', 'SassParser', array(
    'file' => 'phamlp' . DS . 'sass' . DS . 'SassParser.php',
  $parser = new SassParser($options);
  echo $parser
elseif (file_exists($cssFile)) {
  echo file_get_contents($cssFile);
else {
  die('/* No Sass or CSS file found. */');