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class AuthVolatile in SAML Authentication 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.x src/AuthVolatile.php \Drupal\samlauth\AuthVolatile


After writing up all considerations, I concluded that this wasn't needed yet. So now this is just just a bunch of comments on plans for v4.x, for me to circle back to - which might as well be committed into 3.x for anyone curious about a future refactor. What I drafted so far: --- Something like the Auth class; can change methods/signatures at any time.

Do not trust anything about this class to persist. I'm just creating it so I don't have to refactor all uses in SamlService at the same time.

Use case / reason for its existence: I want to refactor at least processResponse() (i.e. the saml/acs path), in a way that requires us to not use Auth anymore. Other saml/* paths may follow but I can't make up my mind about that at the moment. (See "In the end" below.) Also, IF we do that... I don't want to do all this refactoring in one go.

Besides this 'refactoring issue', we also want(ed) to refactor SamlService::reformatConfig() into a Settings subclass that does 'just in time' reading of cert/key values only when necessary. That is currently not possible IF we keep using the Auth class. So for now, we've postponed this and instead have added extra logic to SamlService::reformatConfig(); see comments there. We may extend that method (and/or move it in here) to return a Settings child class, if that ever becomes applicable.

Bigger story / context: the Auth class is named the PHP Toolkit's "main class" but it doesn't fit some of the things we need to do and is hard to override. Also, taking a step back it doesn't seem clear in what it wants to be. On one hand it seems to be a service/helper class for all other callers to use, but:

  • It's rather rigid in the way it forces usage of its own Settings class. I'm not yet sure how to approach this / if this is an issue; see above & SamlService::reformatConfig() comments.
  • processResponse() and processSLO() have strange mechanics around error conditions, which makes error handling by callers more complicated then it needs to be. (Some errors throw an exception; some just set an error property so you have to call getErrors() afterwards - _and/or_ isAuthenticated(); it isn't specified well that those two things are interdependent.)
  • It shields access from Response/LogoutResponse/LogoutRequest value objects and I need the Response object to pass around to event subscribers.

On the other hand it seems to be a value object itself, that explicitly wants to replace/obsolete the use of Response/LogoutResponse/LogoutRequest objects by callers, because it copies all their properties into its own properties after processing. However I don't see why we'd need to use Auth instead of those other objects:

  • I'm not aware of any information inside those other objects that needs to be 'shielded' from callers.
  • The Auth class is only usable as a value object after first calling some 'processing' method inside the same object, which kind-of goes against the notion of a value object.
  • Even then, only part of its values (accessible by getters) will be populated and valid - depending on which thing we've processed (being an ACS Response / Logout Response / Logout Request). It feels like using the individual object would just be less confusing in that regard.

Or maybe it just wants to be 'just an example class', which an implementer can learn from while building their own? What points into this direction is

  • the fact that Auth forces usage of its own Settings class combined with the fact that the Settings constructor has a second $spValidationOnly parameter which is not used by Auth.

Then again, probably not, because

  • it is used in many examples in
  • it is called 'the main class'
  • it contains too much useful logic we don't want to reimplement (mainly in login() / logout() I guess).

In the end,

  • I don't want to use the Auth object to pass around to event subscribers during the ACS process; I want the Response object which is much more of a 'targeted' value object. That means I'll need to reimplement Auth::processResponse() - which is fine because it doesn't contain that much logic and makes error handling easier.
  • I'm not sure yet whether I want to reimplement Auth::login() / logout() / processSLO(). I'm alternating between "they contain valuable logic that we don't want to reimplement / we won't be able to compare our code to any future changes in the Auth object" and "reimplementing is easy / will actually make things clearer".

Further notes:

  • When we reimplement processResponse(), many Auth methods (getters) will stop working completely, and we won't have a use for them. This means the code replacing Auth::processResponse() should (likely) not be in a child class of Auth. (So we're not bound to the fact that we cannot use a Settings child class for the new code coming out of that refactoring.)

We still need to choose whether we want to

  • remove any use of the Auth object completely, so we can use a custom Settings child class that will do what we want; (Note if we go this route, we may want to consider whether we can open an upstream PR to the upstream library, to improve... anything that led us to this decision? And submitting such a PR should likely include looking at the code examples in and checking whether our new approach could improve them?)
  • get a small PR accepted upstream that will allow passing a custom Settings child class into the Auth constructor, so we could use the same Settings child class(es) for passing into both Auth and whatever code will replace Auth::processResponse();
  • write extra logic outside a Settings child class, in some kind of factory method, to decide which cert/key values will be necessary, before instantiating Settings/Auth objects.

These are too many considerations to oversee right now. In 8.x-3.3 / SamlService::reformatConfig() we've already been working toward the last point, because anything else isn't possible in the 3.x versions - and we didn't want to do a full refactor, removing all usage of the original Auth object (and then have to make a decision on all the above), just to implement alternative key / cert storage.


Expanded class hierarchy of AuthVolatile


src/AuthVolatile.php, line 114


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class AuthVolatile {

