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function saml_sp_authn_context_settings in SAML Service Provider 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 saml_sp.module \saml_sp_authn_context_settings()

generate the setting for authn contexts

1 call to saml_sp_authn_context_settings()
saml_sp__get_settings in ./saml_sp.module
Get the SAML settings for an IdP.


./saml_sp.module, line 567
SAML Service Provider


function saml_sp_authn_context_settings($setting) {
  $all_contexts = saml_sp_get_authn_contexts();
  $contexts = explode('|', $setting);
  foreach ($contexts as &$value) {
    foreach ($all_contexts as $key => $v) {
      if ($v['id'] == $value) {
        $value = $key;
  return $contexts;