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function _saml_sp__debug in SAML Service Provider 4.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 saml_sp.module \_saml_sp__debug()
  2. 3.x saml_sp.module \_saml_sp__debug()

Provides debugging output.


string $label: The label for the associated value.

string $value: The variable or object to be printed.

5 calls to _saml_sp__debug()
SamlSPAuth::buildRequestSignature in src/SAML/SamlSPAuth.php
Builds the request signature.
SamlSPAuth::login in src/SAML/SamlSPAuth.php
Initiates the SSO process.
SamlSPAuthnRequest::__construct in src/SAML/SamlSPAuthnRequest.php
SamlSPDrupalLoginController::initiate in modules/saml_sp_drupal_login/src/Controller/SamlSPDrupalLoginController.php
Initiate a SAML login for the given IdP.
saml_sp_drupal_login__saml_authenticate in modules/saml_sp_drupal_login/saml_sp_drupal_login.module
SAML authentication callback.


./saml_sp.module, line 443
SAML Service Provider.


function _saml_sp__debug($label, $value) {
  if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->moduleExists('devel')) {

    // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
    dpm($label, $value);
  else {
      ->addMessage(t("%label<br>\n<pre>\n@value\n</pre>\n", [
      '%label' => $label,
      '@value' => print_r($value, TRUE),