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function _sf_user_profile_date_valid in Salesforce Suite 6.2

Helper function to check user profile date field validity


string $date: The date to be checked.

Return value

boolean Whether date is valid for use with _sf_user_export_profile_date().

1 call to _sf_user_profile_date_valid()
_sf_user_export_profile_date in sf_user/sf_user.module
Custom export handler for user profile date field


sf_user/sf_user.module, line 790
Integrates the core user object and profile module with the Salesforce API.


function _sf_user_profile_date_valid($date) {
  $is_valid = is_array($date) && (isset($date['month']) && is_numeric($date['month'])) && (isset($date['day']) && is_numeric($date['day'])) && (isset($date['year']) && is_numeric($date['year'])) ? TRUE : FALSE;
  return $is_valid;