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function sf_prematch_import in Salesforce Suite 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 sf_prematch/ \sf_prematch_import()
  2. 7.2 sf_prematch/ \sf_prematch_import()

Use prematch rule to find a drupal node to match the SF object.


string $object_type ("user" or "node" currently defined):

stdObject $object:

array $map:

array $match_by:

Return value

string uid or nid

1 call to sf_prematch_import()
sf_prematch_sf_find_match in sf_prematch/sf_prematch.module
Implement hook_sf_find_match


sf_prematch/, line 143
Import/Export functions for sf_prematch module.


function sf_prematch_import($object_type, $object, $map, $match_by) {

  // This is a generic solution only for object types of "user" or "node".
  // If another object type is found, no prematching will be done.
  // The developer should implement their own hook_sf_find_match() function
  // to match this unsupportted type.
  switch ($object_type) {
    case "user":
      $id_name = "uid";
      $table_name = "users";
      $fields_table_name = 'profile_values';
      $schema = drupal_get_schema($table_name);
      $fields_schema = _sf_prematch_get_user_schema();
      $fields_schema_field_suffix = '';
    case "node":
      $id_name = "nid";
      $table_name = "node";
      $content_type = str_replace("node_", "", $map->drupal);
      $schema = drupal_get_schema($table_name);
      $fields_table_name = 'content_type_' . $content_type;
      $fields_schema = drupal_get_schema($fields_table_name);
      $fields_schema_field_suffix = "_value";

      // Undefined object type
  $primary_field = $match_by['primary_field'] != '0' ? $match_by['primary_field'] : '';
  $secondary_field = $match_by['secondary_field'] != '0' ? $match_by['secondary_field'] : '';
  $tertiary_field = $match_by['tertiary_field'] != '0' ? $match_by['tertiary_field'] : '';
  $fields_table_used = FALSE;
  $where = '';
  $joins = '';

  // Process primary_field
  if (!empty($primary_field)) {

    // Look for field in fields table
    $sf_field_name = array_search($primary_field, $map->fields);
    if (isset($fields_schema['fields'][$primary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix])) {
      if ($object_type == 'node') {
        $where .= sprintf("%s.%s = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $primary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix, $object->{$sf_field_name});
      if ($object_type == 'user') {
        $where .= sprintf("%s_p.fid = '%s' AND %s_p.value = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $fields_schema['fields'][$primary_field], $fields_table_name, $object->{$sf_field_name});
        $joins .= sprintf("INNER JOIN {%s} %s_p ", $fields_table_name, $fields_table_name);
      $fields_table_used = TRUE;
    else {

      // Look for field in main table
      if (isset($schema['fields'][$primary_field])) {
        $where .= sprintf("%s.%s = '%s'", $table_name, $primary_field, $object->{$primary_field});
      else {

        // The match_by field is in neither table
        drupal_set_message(t('Primary field [@primary_field] specified in map prematch not defined.', array(
          '@primary_field' => $primary_field,

    // Process secondary_field
    if (!empty($secondary_field)) {

      // Look for field in fields table
      $sf_field_name = array_search($secondary_field, $map->fields);
      if (isset($fields_schema['fields'][$secondary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix])) {
        if ($object_type == 'node') {
          $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $secondary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix, $object->{$sf_field_name});
        if ($object_type == 'user') {
          $where .= sprintf(" AND %s_s.fid = '%s' AND %s_s.value = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $fields_schema['fields'][$secondary_field], $fields_table_name, $object->{$sf_field_name});
          $joins .= sprintf("INNER JOIN {%s} %s_s ", $fields_table_name, $fields_table_name);
        $fields_table_used = TRUE;
      else {

        // Look for field in main table
        if (isset($schema['fields'][$secondary_field])) {
          $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s = '%s'", $table_name, $secondary_field, $object->{$secondary_field});
        else {

          // The match_by field is in neither table
          drupal_set_message(t('Secondary field [@secondary_field] specified in map prematch not defined.', array(
            '@secondary_field' => $secondary_field,

      // Process tertiary_field
      if (!empty($tertiary_field)) {

        // Look for field in fields table
        $sf_field_name = array_search($tertiary_field, $map->fields);
        if (isset($fields_schema['fields'][$tertiary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix])) {
          if ($object_type == 'node') {
            $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $tertiary_field . $fields_schema_field_suffix, $object->{$sf_field_name});
          if ($object_type == 'user') {
            $where .= sprintf(" AND %s_t.fid = '%s' AND %s_t.value = '%s'", $fields_table_name, $fields_schema['fields'][$tertiary_field], $fields_table_name, $object->{$sf_field_name});
            $joins .= sprintf("INNER JOIN {%s} %s_t ", $fields_table_name, $fields_table_name);
          $fields_table_used = TRUE;
        else {

          // Look for field in main table
          if (isset($schema['fields'][$tertiary_field])) {
            $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s = '%s'", $table_name, $tertiary_field, $object->{$tertiary_field});
          else {

            // The match_by field is in neither table
            drupal_set_message(t('Tertiary field [@tertiary_field] specified in map prematch not defined.'), array(
              '@tertiary_field' => $tertiary_field,

      // end of tertiary_field

    // end of secondary_field

  // end of primary_field
  $query_str = sprintf("SELECT %s.%s FROM {%s} ", $table_name, $id_name, $table_name);
  if ($fields_table_used == TRUE && $object_type == 'node') {
    $query_str .= sprintf("INNER JOIN {%s} ", $fields_table_name);
    $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s=%s.%s", $table_name, $id_name, $fields_table_name, $id_name);
  if ($fields_table_used == TRUE && $object_type == 'user') {
    $query_str .= $joins;
    $where .= sprintf(" AND %s.%s=%s_p.%s", $table_name, $id_name, $fields_table_name, $id_name);
  $query_str .= sprintf("WHERE %s", $where);
  if (empty($where)) {

    // We shouldn't ever get here, but just in case...

  // Now that we have constructed the query string, execute it and store the results.
  $found = array();
  if (strlen($query_str) > 0) {
    $results = db_query($query_str);
    while ($f = db_result($results)) {
      $found[] = $f;
  if (count($found) > 0) {

    // Return only the first match. Someday we may want to handle multiple matches.
    return reset($found);
  else {

    // Nothing found so return nothing