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function sf_node_export in Salesforce Suite 5.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 sf_node/sf_node.module \sf_node_export()

Exports a node to Salesforce using the specified fieldmap and stores the ID of the Salesforce object for the node.


$nid: The nid of the node to export.

$fieldmap: The index of the fieldmap to use to create the export object.

$sfid: The Salesforce ID of the object you want to update. If left NULL, a new object will be created at Salesforce.

Return value

TRUE or FALSE indicating the success of the operation.

1 call to sf_node_export()
sf_node_salesforce_form_submit in sf_node/sf_node.module


sf_node/sf_node.module, line 408
Integrates the core node object and various node related modules with the SalesForce API.


function sf_node_export($nid, $fieldmap, $sfid = NULL) {

  // Attempt to connect to Salesforce.
  $sf = salesforce_api_connect();

  // Load the node.
  $node = node_load($nid);

  // Create an object for export based on the specified fieldmap.
  $object = salesforce_api_fieldmap_export_create($fieldmap, $node);

  // Load the fieldmap so we can get the object name.
  $map = salesforce_api_fieldmap_load($fieldmap);
  if (empty($sfid)) {

    // Export the object to Salesforce.
    $response = $sf->client
    ), $map['salesforce']);
  else {
    $object->Id = $sfid;
    $response = $sf->client
    ), $map['salesforce']);

  // If the export was successful...
  if ($response->success) {
    if (empty($sfid)) {

      // Store the Salesforce ID for the node and return TRUE.
      salesforce_api_id_save('node', $nid, $response->id, $fieldmap);
    return TRUE;
  else {

    // Otherwise log the error and return FALSE.
    drupal_set_message('<pre>' . print_r($response, TRUE) . '</pre>', 'error');
    return FALSE;