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salesforce_api.api.php in Salesforce Suite 7.2

These are the hooks that are invoked by the Salesforce core.

Core hooks are typically called in all modules at once using module_invoke_all().


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 * @file
 * These are the hooks that are invoked by the Salesforce core.
 * Core hooks are typically called in all modules at once using
 * module_invoke_all().

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Expose fields to fieldmappings.
 * Salesforce API does not expose any Drupal fields. It's up to modules
 * (such as sf_entity in the core suite) to make those fields available for mapping.
 * Developers implementing this hook should pay close attention to the
 * import/export functions for each field, which are responsible for delivering
 * the actual data for mapped fields. If import or export indexes are unset,
 * salesforce_api will use the property of the object with the same fieldname.
 * For example, "nid" does not have an import/export function, because "nid" is
 * a property of the $node object.
 * For CCK fields, something special happens. When building the list of objects
 * salesforce will attempt to locate export/import functions based on the naming  
 * convention _sf_node_export_cck_FIELDTYPE and _sf_node_import_cck_FIELDTYPE.
 * For example, see _sf_node_export_cck_date and _sf_node_import_cck_date in 
 * sf_contrib. The default CCK handler will expose all columns from all CCK 
 * field types for export and import to and from Salesforce. 
 * If the value of a particular column is not useful on its own, or if it needs 
 * to be manipulated in a specific way before being sent to Salesforce, then an
 * export (and/or import as appropriate) override should be declared according
 * to the naming convention (_sf_node_export_cck_FIELDTYPE). Any such function
 * will automatically be used to export/import ALL columns for the CCK field 
 * type. Simple CCK fields with only a "value" column will be named after their
 * field_name properties. CCK fields with columns other than "value" will be 
 * referred to according to the convention: FIELDNAME:COLUMN
 * @see _sf_node_export_cck_FIELDTYPE
 * @see _sf_node_import_cck_FIELDTYPE
 * If you want to expose additional non-cck fields for mapping, you should 
 * implement this hook, hook_fieldmap_objects.
 * If you want to change the default definition of a field or fields, 
 * @see hook_fieldmap_objects_alter
 * @param $object_type
 *  Where does the data come from? Either "drupal" or "salesforce".
 * @return
 *  The function should return an associative array of objects and their
 *  fields that should be made available for mapping. Each field is an
 *  associative array with the following keys (optional unless noted):
 *  - 'label' (required): The translated, user-friendly name of this field
 *  - 'type': Relevant for Salesforce fields only.
 *    Use any combination of the following bitmasks, |'d (bitwise OR) together
 *  - 'import': callback function to import this field.
 *  - 'export': callback function to export this field.
 *  - 'multiple': Is this a multiple-valued field in Salesforce? (ie. ;-delimited)
 *  - 'group': Assign the field to a grouping on the field mapping UI
function hook_fieldmap_objects($object_type) {
  if ($type == 'drupal') {
    return array(
      'node' => array(
        'page' => array(
          'label' => t('Page node'),
          'fields' => array(
            'nid' => array(
              'label' => t('Node ID'),
              'type' => SALESFORCE_FIELD_SOURCE_ONLY,
            'type' => array(
              'label' => t('Node type'),
            'status' => array(
              'label' => t('Is the node published?'),
            'field_sample_checkbox' => array(
              'label' => t('Widget Label'),
              'group' => t('CCK fields'),
              'export' => '_sf_node_export_cck_default',
              'import' => '_sf_node_import_cck_default',
              'multiple' => TRUE,

 * Modify fieldmap object definitions.
 * @param $objects
 *  The fieldmap object definition as defined by hook_fieldmap_objects implementations.
function hook_fieldmap_objects_alter(&$objects) {
  $objects['node_page']['fields']['status']['label'] = "Published Status";

 * Retrieve matching object ids before creating a new object. This hook is 
 * designed to eliminate creation of duplicate objects if so desired. For 
 * example, an implementation of sf_user_sf_find_match might query Salesforce
 * for Ids matching the user's email address before creating a new Contact.
 * In the core Suite, this hook is implemented by the optional sf_match module.
 * IMPORTANT: implementations of this function MUST ensure that matches are not
 * IDs of deleted records in Salesforce. By default SOQL query() filters out
 * deleted records, so sf_prematch_sf_find_match() fulfils this requirement.
 * @param $direction
 *  "import" or "export"
 * @param $entity_name
 *  "user", "node", etc.
 * @param $bundle_name
 *  the name of the bundle to which the entity belongs.
 *  This is a node type in the case of node entities, or a vocabulary name, or 'user' for users.
 * @param $entity
 *  The Drupal entity to be matched, probably $user or $node
 * @param $fieldmap_id
 *  The id of the fieldmap being used to import or export the current object.
 * @return
 *  'import': an array of matching nid's, uid's, etc.
 *  'export': an array of matching Salesforce Id's @see IMPORTANT note above.
function hook_sf_find_match($direction, $entity_name, $bundle_name, $entity, $fieldmap_name) {
  if ($direction == 'export' && ($fieldmap_type == 'user' || $fieldmap_type == 'node' && $bundle_name == 'profile')) {
    if (empty($entity->mail)) {
      $entity->mail = db_result(db_query('SELECT mail FROM {user} WHERE uid = %d', $entity->uid));
    $sf = salesforce_api_connect();
    if (!is_object($sf)) {
      watchdog('sf_find_match', 'Salesforce connection failed when looking for a match.');
    $result = $sf->client
      ->query('SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Email = \'' . $obj->mail . '\'');
    if (count($result->records)) {
      return array(

// @todo: Is the comment about the bastardization of the CTools model still accurate?
// If so, can this be changed so that it uses the standard CTools model?

 * Builds a set of default fieldmaps. This allows modules to offer out-of-the
 * box mappings based on common use cases or patterns. It is recommended but not 
 * required that you use the following verbose naming convention for your
 * default fieldmaps in order to avoid namespace collisions:
 *   mymodule_default_drupalentity_sfentity_field_map
 * The name of your default fieldmap will serve as its primary identifier.
 * If/when your fieldmap is overridden, it will be assigned a standard fieldmap 
 * id which will then be used to identify the fieldmap. This is a bastardization
 * of the model CTools uses in order to avoid hard dependency on CTools.
 * Finally, it is highly recommended that your default fieldmap NOT be 
 * automatic. Remember that out-of-the-box module behavior should not change
 * Drupal's current working configuration.
 * @param string $export - the export schema definition with defaults applied. 
 *   (generally unused)
 * @return an array of fieldmap objects according to {salesforce_field_map} schema
 * @see sf_entity_default_salesforce_fieldmaps
function hook_default_salesforce_fieldmaps($export = array()) {
  return array(
    (object) array(
      'disabled' => FALSE,
      'name' => 'salesforce_api_default_user_contact_fieldmap',
      'automatic' => FALSE,
      'drupal_entity' => 'user',
      'drupal_bundle' => 'user',
      'salesforce' => 'Contact',
      'fields' => array(
        'LastName' => 'name',
        'Email' => 'mail',
      'description' => 'This is a simple example fieldmap to get you started using the Salesforce API.',

 * Modify Salesforce IDs before they are saved to the {salesforce_object_map}
 * table.
 * @param $oid
 *   The associated unique ID used to identify the object in Drupal.
 * @param $sfid
 *   The Salesforce ID of the associated object in the Salesforce database.
 * @param $name
 *   The name of the fieldmap used to generate the export.
 * @param $op_type
 *   The operation being performed, 'import' or 'export'.
 * @param $entity_name
 *   The type of Drupal entity being saved.
 * @param $bundle_name
 *   The Drupal bundle type being saved.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if salesforce_api_id_save() should proceed with saving the link, FALSE
 *   otherwise.
function hook_salesforce_api_id_save_alter(&$oid, &$sfid, &$name, &$entity_name, &$bundle_name, &$op_type) {

  // Example: Do not allow a mapping to be saved between UID 1 and Salesforce
  if ($oid == 1 && $entity_name == 'user') {
    return FALSE;

 * Called immediately before a Salesforce object is to be created or updated
 * during export (e.g. sf_user_export, sf_node_export). Entity-based modules
 * that invoke Salesforce create, update, or upsert methods should always invoke
 * this hook before calling Salesforce. This feature was primarily designed for
 * queue/batch support, but could have other use cases as well.
 * This hook is invoked after a prematching attempt. For modules that may care
 * about such a situation, when $sf_object->sfid is empty, this is a Salesforce 
 * "create" operation. Otherwise, this is a Salesforce "update" operation.
 * The $sf_object and $map parameters are passed by reference so they may be modified.
 * @param object $sf_object
 *   The object about to be exported to Salesforce
 * @param object $map
 *   The fieldmap object provided by salesforce_api_fieldmap_load().
 * @param string $drupal_id 
 *   The unique Id of the drupal entity associated with the sf_object, e.g. nid
 * @return
 *   Implementing modules should return FALSE if the current export should NOT
 *   proceed. Note that this will prevent further processing of implementations
 *   of this hook.
function hook_salesforce_api_pre_export(&$sf_object, &$map, $drupal_id) {

 * Called after a Salesforce create or update attempt.
 * @see hook_salesforce_api_pre_export
 * @param string $sf_object
 *  The object exported to Salesforce.
 * @param string $name
 *  The fieldmap name.
 * @param string $drupal_id 
 * @param object $salesforce_response
 *   The response object from the Salesforce SOAP server. This object has three
 *   properties:
 *   - errors: A single error array, or an an array of one or more errors with
 *     three keys:
 *     - fields: A single field name, or an array of one or more field names
 *     - message: A human readable failure message
 *     - statusCode: A machine readable failure code
 *   - id: If there was no error, the Salesforce id of the touched object.
 *   - success: boolean
 * @return void
function hook_salesforce_api_post_export($sf_object, $name, $drupal_id, $salesforce_response) {

 * Called immediately before creating or updating a Drupal object from
 * Salesforce data import.
 * @param object $entity - the Drupal entity (e.g. node, user) about to be
 *  created or updated
 * @param string $name - the name of the fieldmap used for import
 * @param object $sf_data - the data received from Salesforce 
 * @return
 *   Implementing modules should return FALSE if the current import should NOT
 *   proceed. Note that this will prevent further processing of implementations
 *   of this hook.
function hook_salesforce_api_pre_import(&$entity, $name, $sf_data) {

 * Called immediately after creating or updating a Drupal object from Salesforce
 * data import.
 * @param object $entity - the Drupal entity (e.g. node, user) just
 *  created or updated
 * @param string $name - the name of the fieldmap used for import
 * @param object $sf_data - the data received from Salesforce
 * @param string $create
 * @return void
function hook_salesforce_api_post_import($entity, $name, $sf_data, $create) {

 * Called when a connection attempt to Salesforce fails on export.
 * @see salesforce_api_export()
 * @param string $drupal_id
 *   The id of the Drupal entity to be exported.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the fieldmap to have been used for the export.
 * @param string $sfid
 *   The sfid to be used for the export, if provided.
function hook_salesforce_api_export_connect_fail($drupal_id, $name, $sfid) {

  // respond to connection failure

 * Called when a connection attempt to Salesforce fails on import.
 * @see salesforce_api_import()
 * @param object $sf_data
 *   The data to be imported from Salesforce.
 * @param string $name
 *   The name of the fieldmap to be used for the import.
 * @param string $drupal_id (optional)
 *   The Drupal id to be updated, if there was one.
function hook_salesforce_api_import_connect_fail($sf_data, $name, $drupal_id) {

  // respond to connection failure

 * Called before Salesforce delete.
 * @see hook_salesforce_api_pre_export
 * This hook can be used to prevent deletion of Salesforce records entities, but
 * cannot prevent deletion of Drupal entities (@see hook_entity_delete, hook_node_delete,
 * or hook_user_delete).
 * @param object $sfid
 * @param object $map
 * @param string $drupal_id
 * @return FALSE if the Salesforce record should not be deleted.
function hook_salesforce_api_delete($sfid, $map, $drupal_id) {

 * Called after a link between Drupal and SF objects is removed. $args is the
 * array of ids which were provided to salesforce_api_id_unlink().
 * @see salesforce_api_id_unlink() for full explanation of arguments.
function hook_salesforce_api_post_unlink($args) {

// @todo: Add back the hooks that were for overriding CCK field type definitions,
//  as Field API hooks.

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_default_salesforce_fieldmaps Builds a set of default fieldmaps. This allows modules to offer out-of-the box mappings based on common use cases or patterns. It is recommended but not required that you use the following verbose naming convention for your default fieldmaps in order…
hook_fieldmap_objects Expose fields to fieldmappings.
hook_fieldmap_objects_alter Modify fieldmap object definitions.
hook_salesforce_api_delete Called before Salesforce delete. This hook can be used to prevent deletion of Salesforce records entities, but cannot prevent deletion of Drupal entities (or hook_user_delete).
hook_salesforce_api_export_connect_fail Called when a connection attempt to Salesforce fails on export.
hook_salesforce_api_id_save_alter Modify Salesforce IDs before they are saved to the {salesforce_object_map} table.
hook_salesforce_api_import_connect_fail Called when a connection attempt to Salesforce fails on import.
hook_salesforce_api_post_export Called after a Salesforce create or update attempt.
hook_salesforce_api_post_import Called immediately after creating or updating a Drupal object from Salesforce data import.
hook_salesforce_api_post_unlink Called after a link between Drupal and SF objects is removed. $args is the array of ids which were provided to salesforce_api_id_unlink().
hook_salesforce_api_pre_export Called immediately before a Salesforce object is to be created or updated during export (e.g. sf_user_export, sf_node_export). Entity-based modules that invoke Salesforce create, update, or upsert methods should always invoke this hook before calling…
hook_salesforce_api_pre_import Called immediately before creating or updating a Drupal object from Salesforce data import.
hook_sf_find_match Retrieve matching object ids before creating a new object. This hook is designed to eliminate creation of duplicate objects if so desired. For example, an implementation of sf_user_sf_find_match might query Salesforce for Ids matching the…