14 calls to salesforce_api_fieldmap_objects_load() in Salesforce Suite 7.2
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_add_form in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.admin.inc - Displays the form to add a fieldmap.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_edit_form in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.admin.inc - salesforce_api_fieldmap_edit_form_submit in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.admin.inc - FAPI submit handler for fieldmap editor.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_export_create in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Creates an object for export to Salesforce based on the supplied Drupal object and fieldmap.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_object_label in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Returns the label for the object of the specified type and name. Note that both the $type and $entity parameters will be 'salesforce' in the case of Salesforce objects.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_remove_field in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.admin.inc - Given a fieldmap name and a field, remove the field from the fieldmap. Redirect to the fieldmap edit page unless specified.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_source_bundle_enabled in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Helper function to determine whether the bundle for the Drupal entity for a given fieldmap is available.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_source_entity_enabled in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Helper function to determine whether the Drupal entity for a given fieldmap is available.
- salesforce_api_fieldmap_target_enabled in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Helper function to determine whether the Salesforce object (target) for a given fieldmap is available.
- salesforce_api_retrieve in salesforce_api/
salesforce_api.module - Wraps SforceBaseClient::retrieve. Retrieve an object from Salesforce with standard fields and any data in fields defined in the name object.
- sf_entity_import in sf_entity/
sf_entity.module - Imports data from Salesforce into a Drupal entity
- sf_entity_salesforce_form in sf_entity/
sf_entity.module - Displays the Salesforce synchronization form.
- sf_import_batchjob in sf_import/
sf_import.batch.inc - Callback for sf_import_create_batchjob().
- sf_prematch_export in sf_prematch/
sf_prematch.main.inc - Use prematch rule to find a salesforce object to match the node.