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function salesforce_mapping_property_validation in Salesforce Suite 7.3

Property field validation callback.

@TODO: Add length validation.

1 string reference to 'salesforce_mapping_property_validation'
salesforce_mapping_salesforce_mapping_fieldmap_type in modules/salesforce_mapping/includes/
Implements hook_salesforce_mapping_fieldmap_type().


modules/salesforce_mapping/includes/, line 413
Data and callbacks for fieldmap types.


function salesforce_mapping_property_validation($drupal_field, $sf_field, $direction, $key) {
  $valid = FALSE;
  $length_valid = TRUE;

  // Type validation
  // direction[array Salesforce type][array Drupal type]
  $verify_array = array(
    'sync' => array(
      'string' => array(
      'int' => array(
      'id' => array(
      'datetime' => array(
      'email' => array(
    'drupal_sf' => array(
      // Allow any source field for string type.
      'string' => array(),
      'int' => array(
      'id' => array(
      'datetime' => array(
      'email' => array(
    'sf_drupal' => array(
      'string' => array(
      'int' => array(
      'id' => array(
      'datetime' => array(
      'email' => array(
  $drupal_type = isset($drupal_field['type']) ? $drupal_field['type'] : 'text';
  $sf_type_array = isset($verify_array[$direction][$sf_field['type']]) ? $verify_array[$direction][$sf_field['type']] : array();
  if (empty($sf_type_array)) {

    // If type is not found in validation array, assume valid.
    return TRUE;
  $type_valid = array_search($drupal_type, $sf_type_array) === FALSE ? FALSE : TRUE;
  $valid = $type_valid && $length_valid;
  if (!$valid) {
    form_set_error("salesforce_field_mappings][{$key}][salesforce_field", t('Drupal field %drupal_label is of type %drupal_type, Salesforce field %sf_label is of type %sf_type and cannot be mapped in the %dir direction', array(
      '%drupal_label' => $drupal_field['label'],
      '%drupal_type' => $drupal_type,
      '%sf_label' => $sf_field['label'],
      '%sf_type' => $sf_field['type'],
      '%dir' => $direction,

  // Ensure that a property has a setter method if it needs to be updated.
  if (in_array($direction, array(
  ))) {
    if (empty($drupal_field['setter callback'])) {
      form_set_error("salesforce_field_mappings][{$key}][salesforce_field", t('Drupal field %drupal_label does not have a setter method and cannot be written to.', array(
        '%drupal_label' => $drupal_field['label'],