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function salesforce_mapping_form_field_callback in Salesforce Suite 7.3

Ajax callback for deleting a field mapping row.

1 string reference to 'salesforce_mapping_form_field_callback'
salesforce_mapping_form in modules/salesforce_mapping/includes/
Return a form for a Salesforce mapping entity.


modules/salesforce_mapping/includes/, line 421
Configuration page for creating and modifying a mapping.


function salesforce_mapping_form_field_callback($form, $form_state) {
  $errors = array(
    '#theme' => 'status_messages',
  $ajax_warn = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
    'message' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => 'Changes made in this list will not be saved until the form is submitted.',

  // Retreive the row's form information.
  $wrapper = $form_state['triggering_element']['#ajax']['wrapper'];
  $parents = $form_state['triggering_element']['#array_parents'];
  $delta = $parents[2];
  $row = $form[$parents[0]][$parents[1]][$delta];

  // Render the row.  This requires rendering it as a table, then stripping away
  // unwanted tags in order to leave only the HTML of a table row.  Finally,
  // all line breaks had to be removed in order to prevent the ajax replace from
  // wrapping the output in a div.
  $table_row = array(
    '#theme' => 'salesforce_mapping_form_table_row',
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#columns' => array_keys($form['salesforce_field_mappings_wrapper']['salesforce_field_mappings']['#header']),
    '#row' => $row,
  $rendered_table = render($table_row);
  $rendered_row = str_replace(array(
  ), "", $rendered_table);
  $commands = array(
    // Replace the row.
    ajax_command_replace('#' . $wrapper, $rendered_row),
    ajax_command_replace("#edit-token-tree", render($form['salesforce_field_mappings_wrapper']['token_tree'])),
    ajax_command_replace("#edit-ajax-warning", render($ajax_warn)),
    // Set messages if found.
    ajax_command_after('#page-title', render($errors)),
  return array(
    '#type' => 'ajax',
    '#commands' => $commands,