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13 calls to Salesforce::apiCall() in Salesforce Suite 7.3

Salesforce::getDeleted in includes/
Retrieves the list of individual objects that have been deleted within the given timespan for a specified object type.
Salesforce::getUpdated in includes/
Return a list of SFIDs for the given object, which have been created or updated in the given timeframe.
Salesforce::listResources in includes/
Return a list of available resources for the configured API version.
Salesforce::objectCreate in includes/
Create a new object of the given type.
Salesforce::objectDelete in includes/
Delete a Salesforce object.
Salesforce::objectDescribe in includes/
Retreieve all the metadata for an object.
Salesforce::objectRead in includes/
Return a full loaded Salesforce object.
Salesforce::objectReadbyExternalId in includes/
Return a full loaded Salesforce object from External ID.
Salesforce::objects in includes/
Available objects and their metadata for your organization's data.
Salesforce::objectUpdate in includes/
Update an existing object.
Salesforce::objectUpsert in includes/
Create new records or update existing records.
Salesforce::query in includes/
Use SOQL to get objects based on query string.
Salesforce::queryAll in includes/
Same as ::query() but also returns deleted or archived records.