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public function Salesforce::objects in Salesforce Suite 7.3

Available objects and their metadata for your organization's data.


array $conditions: Associative array of filters to apply to the returned objects. Filters are applied after the list is returned from Salesforce.

bool $reset: Whether to reset the cache and retrieve a fresh version from Salesforce.

Return value

array Available objects and metadata.

1 call to Salesforce::objects()
Salesforce::getSobjectType in includes/
Given a Salesforce ID, return the corresponding SObject name. (Based on keyPrefix from object definition,


includes/, line 493
Objects, properties, and methods to communicate with the Salesforce REST API


Ability to authorize and communicate with the Salesforce REST API.


public function objects($conditions = array(
  'updateable' => TRUE,
), $reset = FALSE) {
  $cache = cache_get('salesforce_objects');

  // Force the recreation of the cache when it is older than 5 minutes.
  if ($cache && REQUEST_TIME < $cache->created + 300 && !$reset) {
    $result = $cache->data;
  else {
    $result = $this

    // Allow the cache to clear at any time by not setting an expire time.
    cache_set('salesforce_objects', $result, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
  if (!empty($conditions)) {
    foreach ($result['sobjects'] as $key => $object) {
      foreach ($conditions as $condition => $value) {
        if ($object[$condition] != $value) {
  return $result['sobjects'];