function wsdl::serialize in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serialize()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serialize()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serialize()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serialize()
* serialize the parsed wsdl * *
mixed $debug whether to put debug=1 in endpoint URL: * @return string serialization of WSDL * @access public
- includes/
nusoap.php, line 4874
- wsdl
- parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods
function serialize($debug = 0) {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
$xml .= "\n<definitions";
foreach ($this->namespaces as $k => $v) {
$xml .= " xmlns:{$k}=\"{$v}\"";
// 10.9.02 - add poulter fix for wsdl and tns declarations
if (isset($this->namespaces['wsdl'])) {
$xml .= " xmlns=\"" . $this->namespaces['wsdl'] . "\"";
if (isset($this->namespaces['tns'])) {
$xml .= " targetNamespace=\"" . $this->namespaces['tns'] . "\"";
$xml .= '>';
// imports
if (sizeof($this->import) > 0) {
foreach ($this->import as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= '<import location="' . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
else {
$xml .= '<import namespace="' . $ns . '" />';
// types
if (count($this->schemas) >= 1) {
$xml .= "\n<types>";
foreach ($this->schemas as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $xs) {
$xml .= $xs
$xml .= '</types>';
// messages
if (count($this->messages) >= 1) {
foreach ($this->messages as $msgName => $msgParts) {
$xml .= "\n<message name=\"" . $msgName . '">';
if (is_array($msgParts)) {
foreach ($msgParts as $partName => $partType) {
// print 'serializing '.$partType.', sv: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
if (strpos($partType, ':')) {
$typePrefix = $this
elseif (isset($this->typemap[$this->namespaces['xsd']][$partType])) {
// print 'checking typemap: '.$this->XMLSchemaVersion.'<br>';
$typePrefix = 'xsd';
else {
foreach ($this->typemap as $ns => $types) {
if (isset($types[$partType])) {
$typePrefix = $this
if (!isset($typePrefix)) {
die("{$partType} has no namespace!");
$ns = $this
$typeDef = $this
->getLocalPart($partType), $ns);
if ($typeDef['typeClass'] == 'element') {
$elementortype = 'element';
else {
$elementortype = 'type';
$xml .= '<part name="' . $partName . '" ' . $elementortype . '="' . $typePrefix . ':' . $this
->getLocalPart($partType) . '" />';
$xml .= '</message>';
// bindings & porttypes
if (count($this->bindings) >= 1) {
$binding_xml = '';
$portType_xml = '';
foreach ($this->bindings as $bindingName => $attrs) {
$binding_xml .= "\n<binding name=\"" . $bindingName . '" type="tns:' . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:binding style="' . $attrs['style'] . '" transport="' . $attrs['transport'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= "\n<portType name=\"" . $attrs['portType'] . '">';
foreach ($attrs['operations'] as $opName => $opParts) {
$binding_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opName . '">';
$binding_xml .= '<soap:operation soapAction="' . $opParts['soapAction'] . '" style="' . $opParts['style'] . '"/>';
if (isset($opParts['input']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['input']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<input><soap:body use="' . $opParts['input']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['input']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></input>';
if (isset($opParts['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] != '') {
$enc_style = ' encodingStyle="' . $opParts['output']['encodingStyle'] . '"';
else {
$enc_style = '';
$binding_xml .= '<output><soap:body use="' . $opParts['output']['use'] . '" namespace="' . $opParts['output']['namespace'] . '"' . $enc_style . '/></output>';
$binding_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '<operation name="' . $opParts['name'] . '"';
if (isset($opParts['parameterOrder'])) {
$portType_xml .= ' parameterOrder="' . $opParts['parameterOrder'] . '"';
$portType_xml .= '>';
if (isset($opParts['documentation']) && $opParts['documentation'] != '') {
$portType_xml .= '<documentation>' . htmlspecialchars($opParts['documentation']) . '</documentation>';
$portType_xml .= '<input message="tns:' . $opParts['input']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '<output message="tns:' . $opParts['output']['message'] . '"/>';
$portType_xml .= '</operation>';
$portType_xml .= '</portType>';
$binding_xml .= '</binding>';
$xml .= $portType_xml . $binding_xml;
// services
$xml .= "\n<service name=\"" . $this->serviceName . '">';
if (count($this->ports) >= 1) {
foreach ($this->ports as $pName => $attrs) {
$xml .= '<port name="' . $pName . '" binding="tns:' . $attrs['binding'] . '">';
$xml .= '<soap:address location="' . $attrs['location'] . ($debug ? '?debug=1' : '') . '"/>';
$xml .= '</port>';
$xml .= '</service>';
return $xml . "\n</definitions>";