function nusoap_base::getmicrotime in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \nusoap_base::getmicrotime()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \nusoap_base::getmicrotime()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \nusoap_base::getmicrotime()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \nusoap_base::getmicrotime()
returns the time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
@access public
Return value
string The time in ODBC canonical form with microseconds
2 calls to nusoap_base::getmicrotime()
- nusoap_base::debug in includes/
nusoap.php - * adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting * *
- nusoap_base::debug in includes/
nusoap.orig.php - * adds debug data to the instance debug string with formatting * *
- includes/
nusoap.php, line 791
- nusoap_base
- nusoap_base
function getmicrotime() {
if (function_exists('gettimeofday')) {
$tod = gettimeofday();
$sec = $tod['sec'];
$usec = $tod['usec'];
else {
$sec = time();
$usec = 0;
return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $sec) . '.' . sprintf('%06d', $usec);