function XMLSchema::serializeSchema in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \XMLSchema::serializeSchema()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \XMLSchema::serializeSchema()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \XMLSchema::serializeSchema()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \XMLSchema::serializeSchema()
* serialize the schema * * @access public
- includes/
nusoap.php, line 1491
- XMLSchema
- parses an XML Schema, allows access to it's data, other utility methods no validation... yet. very experimental and limited. As is discussed on XML-DEV, I'm one of the people that just doesn't have time to read the spec(s) thoroughly,…
function serializeSchema() {
$schemaPrefix = $this
$xml = '';
// imports
if (sizeof($this->imports) > 0) {
foreach ($this->imports as $ns => $list) {
foreach ($list as $ii) {
if ($ii['location'] != '') {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:import location=\"" . $ii['location'] . '" namespace="' . $ns . "\" />\n";
else {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:import namespace=\"" . $ns . "\" />\n";
// complex types
foreach ($this->complexTypes as $typeName => $attrs) {
$contentStr = '';
// serialize child elements
if (isset($attrs['elements']) && count($attrs['elements']) > 0) {
foreach ($attrs['elements'] as $element => $eParts) {
if (isset($eParts['ref'])) {
$contentStr .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:element ref=\"{$element}\"/>\n";
else {
$contentStr .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:element name=\"{$element}\" type=\"" . $this
->contractQName($eParts['type']) . "\"";
foreach ($eParts as $aName => $aValue) {
// handle, e.g., abstract, default, form, minOccurs, maxOccurs, nillable
if ($aName != 'name' && $aName != 'type') {
$contentStr .= " {$aName}=\"{$aValue}\"";
$contentStr .= "/>\n";
// compositor wraps elements
if (isset($attrs['compositor']) && $attrs['compositor'] != '') {
$contentStr = " <{$schemaPrefix}:{$attrs['compositor']}>\n" . $contentStr . " </{$schemaPrefix}:{$attrs['compositor']}>\n";
// attributes
if (isset($attrs['attrs']) && count($attrs['attrs']) >= 1) {
foreach ($attrs['attrs'] as $attr => $aParts) {
$contentStr .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:attribute";
foreach ($aParts as $a => $v) {
if ($a == 'ref' || $a == 'type') {
$contentStr .= " {$a}=\"" . $this
->contractQName($v) . '"';
elseif ($a == '') {
$this->usedNamespaces['wsdl'] = $this->namespaces['wsdl'];
$contentStr .= ' wsdl:arrayType="' . $this
->contractQName($v) . '"';
else {
$contentStr .= " {$a}=\"{$v}\"";
$contentStr .= "/>\n";
// if restriction
if (isset($attrs['restrictionBase']) && $attrs['restrictionBase'] != '') {
$contentStr = " <{$schemaPrefix}:restriction base=\"" . $this
->contractQName($attrs['restrictionBase']) . "\">\n" . $contentStr . " </{$schemaPrefix}:restriction>\n";
// complex or simple content
if (isset($attrs['elements']) && count($attrs['elements']) > 0 || isset($attrs['attrs']) && count($attrs['attrs']) > 0) {
$contentStr = " <{$schemaPrefix}:complexContent>\n" . $contentStr . " </{$schemaPrefix}:complexContent>\n";
// finalize complex type
if ($contentStr != '') {
$contentStr = " <{$schemaPrefix}:complexType name=\"{$typeName}\">\n" . $contentStr . " </{$schemaPrefix}:complexType>\n";
else {
$contentStr = " <{$schemaPrefix}:complexType name=\"{$typeName}\"/>\n";
$xml .= $contentStr;
// simple types
if (isset($this->simpleTypes) && count($this->simpleTypes) > 0) {
foreach ($this->simpleTypes as $typeName => $eParts) {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:simpleType name=\"{$typeName}\">\n <{$schemaPrefix}:restriction base=\"" . $this
->contractQName($eParts['type']) . "\"/>\n";
if (isset($eParts['enumeration'])) {
foreach ($eParts['enumeration'] as $e) {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:enumeration value=\"{$e}\"/>\n";
$xml .= " </{$schemaPrefix}:simpleType>";
// elements
if (isset($this->elements) && count($this->elements) > 0) {
foreach ($this->elements as $element => $eParts) {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:element name=\"{$element}\" type=\"" . $this
->contractQName($eParts['type']) . "\"/>\n";
// attributes
if (isset($this->attributes) && count($this->attributes) > 0) {
foreach ($this->attributes as $attr => $aParts) {
$xml .= " <{$schemaPrefix}:attribute name=\"{$attr}\" type=\"" . $this
->contractQName($aParts['type']) . "\"\n/>";
// finish 'er up
$el = "<{$schemaPrefix}:schema targetNamespace=\"{$this->schemaTargetNamespace}\"\n";
foreach (array_diff($this->usedNamespaces, $this->enclosingNamespaces) as $nsp => $ns) {
$el .= " xmlns:{$nsp}=\"{$ns}\"\n";
$xml = $el . ">\n" . $xml . "</{$schemaPrefix}:schema>\n";
return $xml;