function wsdl::serializeRPCParameters in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serializeRPCParameters()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serializeRPCParameters()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serializeRPCParameters()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serializeRPCParameters()
* serialize PHP values according to a WSDL message definition * * TODO * - multi-ref serialization * - validate PHP values against type definitions, return errors if invalid * *
string $operation operation name: * @param string $direction (input|output) * @param mixed $parameters parameter value(s) * @return mixed parameters serialized as XML or false on error (e.g. operation not found) * @access public
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 5008
- wsdl
- parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods
function serializeRPCParameters($operation, $direction, $parameters) {
->debug("in serializeRPCParameters: operation={$operation}, direction={$direction}, XMLSchemaVersion={$this->XMLSchemaVersion}");
->appendDebug('parameters=' . $this
if ($direction != 'input' && $direction != 'output') {
->debug('The value of the \\$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
->setError('The value of the \\$direction argument needs to be either "input" or "output"');
return false;
if (!($opData = $this
->getOperationData($operation))) {
->debug('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
->setError('Unable to retrieve WSDL data for operation: ' . $operation);
return false;
// Get encoding style for output and set to current
$encodingStyle = '';
if ($direction == 'input' && isset($opData['output']['encodingStyle']) && $opData['output']['encodingStyle'] != $encodingStyle) {
$encodingStyle = $opData['output']['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
// set input params
$xml = '';
if (isset($opData[$direction]['parts']) && sizeof($opData[$direction]['parts']) > 0) {
$use = $opData[$direction]['use'];
->debug('have ' . count($opData[$direction]['parts']) . ' part(s) to serialize');
if (is_array($parameters)) {
$parametersArrayType = $this
->debug('have ' . count($parameters) . ' parameter(s) provided as ' . $parametersArrayType . ' to serialize');
foreach ($opData[$direction]['parts'] as $name => $type) {
->debug('serializing part "' . $name . '" of type "' . $type . '"');
// Track encoding style
if (isset($opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) && $encodingStyle != $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle']) {
$encodingStyle = $opData[$direction]['encodingStyle'];
$enc_style = $encodingStyle;
else {
$enc_style = false;
// NOTE: add error handling here
// if serializeType returns false, then catch global error and fault
if ($parametersArrayType == 'arraySimple') {
$p = array_shift($parameters);
->debug('calling serializeType w/indexed param');
$xml .= $this
->serializeType($name, $type, $p, $use, $enc_style);
elseif (isset($parameters[$name])) {
->debug('calling serializeType w/named param');
$xml .= $this
->serializeType($name, $type, $parameters[$name], $use, $enc_style);
else {
// TODO: only send nillable
->debug('calling serializeType w/null param');
$xml .= $this
->serializeType($name, $type, null, $use, $enc_style);
else {
->debug('no parameters passed.');
->debug("serializeRPCParameters returning: {$xml}");
return $xml;