function wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements()
* serializes the elements for a complexType * *
array $typeDef our internal representation of an XML schema type (or element): * @param mixed $value a native PHP value (parameter value) * @param string $ns the namespace of the type * @param string $uqType the local part of the type * @param string $use use for part (encoded|literal) * @param string $encodingStyle SOAP encoding style for the value (if different than the enclosing style) * @return string value serialized as an XML string * @access private
2 calls to wsdl::serializeComplexTypeElements()
- wsdl::serializeType in includes/
nusoap.php - * serializes a PHP value according a given type definition * *
- wsdl::serializeType in includes/
nusoap.orig.php - * serializes a PHP value according a given type definition * *
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 5525
- wsdl
- parses a WSDL file, allows access to it's data, other utility methods
function serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use = 'encoded', $encodingStyle = false) {
$xml = '';
if (isset($typeDef['elements']) && is_array($typeDef['elements'])) {
->debug("in serializeComplexTypeElements, serialize elements for XML Schema type {$ns}:{$uqType}");
if (is_array($value)) {
$xvalue = $value;
elseif (is_object($value)) {
$xvalue = get_object_vars($value);
else {
->debug("value is neither an array nor an object for XML Schema type {$ns}:{$uqType}");
$xvalue = array();
// toggle whether all elements are present - ideally should validate against schema
if (count($typeDef['elements']) != count($xvalue)) {
$optionals = true;
foreach ($typeDef['elements'] as $eName => $attrs) {
if (!isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
if (isset($attrs['default'])) {
$xvalue[$eName] = $attrs['default'];
->debug('use default value of ' . $xvalue[$eName] . ' for element ' . $eName);
// if user took advantage of a minOccurs=0, then only serialize named parameters
if (isset($optionals) && !isset($xvalue[$eName]) && (!isset($attrs['nillable']) || $attrs['nillable'] != 'true')) {
if (isset($attrs['minOccurs']) && $attrs['minOccurs'] != '0') {
->debug("apparent error: no value provided for element {$eName} with minOccurs=" . $attrs['minOccurs']);
// do nothing
->debug("no value provided for complexType element {$eName} and element is not nillable, so serialize nothing");
else {
// get value
if (isset($xvalue[$eName])) {
$v = $xvalue[$eName];
else {
$v = null;
if (isset($attrs['form'])) {
$unqualified = $attrs['form'] == 'unqualified';
else {
$unqualified = false;
if (isset($attrs['maxOccurs']) && ($attrs['maxOccurs'] == 'unbounded' || $attrs['maxOccurs'] > 1) && isset($v) && is_array($v) && $this
->isArraySimpleOrStruct($v) == 'arraySimple') {
$vv = $v;
foreach ($vv as $k => $v) {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this
->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
->debug("calling serialize_val() for {$v}, {$eName}, false, false, false, false, {$use}");
$xml .= $this
->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
else {
if (isset($attrs['type']) || isset($attrs['ref'])) {
// serialize schema-defined type
$xml .= $this
->serializeType($eName, isset($attrs['type']) ? $attrs['type'] : $attrs['ref'], $v, $use, $encodingStyle, $unqualified);
else {
// serialize generic type (can this ever really happen?)
->debug("calling serialize_val() for {$v}, {$eName}, false, false, false, false, {$use}");
$xml .= $this
->serialize_val($v, $eName, false, false, false, false, $use);
else {
->debug("no elements to serialize for XML Schema type {$ns}:{$uqType}");
if (isset($typeDef['extensionBase'])) {
$ns = $this
$uqType = $this
if ($this
->getNamespaceFromPrefix($ns)) {
$ns = $this
if ($typeDef = $this
->getTypeDef($uqType, $ns)) {
->debug("serialize elements for extension base {$ns}:{$uqType}");
$xml .= $this
->serializeComplexTypeElements($typeDef, $value, $ns, $uqType, $use, $encodingStyle);
else {
->debug("extension base {$ns}:{$uqType} is not a supported type");
return $xml;