function soap_transport_http::getResponse in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \soap_transport_http::getResponse()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_transport_http::getResponse()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \soap_transport_http::getResponse()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \soap_transport_http::getResponse()
2 calls to soap_transport_http::getResponse()
- soap_transport_http::send in includes/
nusoap.php - * send the SOAP message via HTTP * *
- soap_transport_http::send in includes/
nusoap.orig.php - * send the SOAP message via HTTP * *
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 2537
- soap_transport_http
- transport class for sending/receiving data via HTTP and HTTPS NOTE: PHP must be compiled with the CURL extension for HTTPS support
function getResponse() {
$this->incoming_payload = '';
if ($this->scheme == 'http' || $this->scheme == 'ssl') {
// loop until headers have been retrieved
$data = '';
while (!isset($lb)) {
// We might EOF during header read.
if (feof($this->fp)) {
$this->incoming_payload = $data;
->debug('found no headers before EOF after length ' . strlen($data));
->debug("received before EOF:\n" . $data);
->setError('server failed to send headers');
return false;
$tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
$tmplen = strlen($tmp);
->debug("read line of {$tmplen} bytes: " . trim($tmp));
if ($tmplen == 0) {
$this->incoming_payload = $data;
->debug('socket read of headers timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
->debug("read before timeout: " . $data);
->setError('socket read of headers timed out');
return false;
$data .= $tmp;
$pos = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n");
if ($pos > 1) {
$lb = "\r\n";
else {
$pos = strpos($data, "\n\n");
if ($pos > 1) {
$lb = "\n";
// remove 100 header
if (isset($lb) && ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100', $data)) {
$data = '';
// store header data
$this->incoming_payload .= $data;
->debug('found end of headers after length ' . strlen($data));
// process headers
$header_data = trim(substr($data, 0, $pos));
$header_array = explode($lb, $header_data);
$this->incoming_headers = array();
$this->incoming_cookies = array();
foreach ($header_array as $header_line) {
$arr = explode(':', $header_line, 2);
if (count($arr) > 1) {
$header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
$this->incoming_headers[$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
if ($header_name == 'set-cookie') {
// TODO: allow multiple cookies from parseCookie
$cookie = $this
if ($cookie) {
$this->incoming_cookies[] = $cookie;
->debug('found cookie: ' . $cookie['name'] . ' = ' . $cookie['value']);
else {
->debug('did not find cookie in ' . trim($arr[1]));
else {
if (isset($header_name)) {
// append continuation line to previous header
$this->incoming_headers[$header_name] .= $lb . ' ' . $header_line;
// loop until msg has been received
if (isset($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked') {
$content_length = 2147483647;
// ignore any content-length header
$chunked = true;
->debug("want to read chunked content");
elseif (isset($this->incoming_headers['content-length'])) {
$content_length = $this->incoming_headers['content-length'];
$chunked = false;
->debug("want to read content of length {$content_length}");
else {
$content_length = 2147483647;
$chunked = false;
->debug("want to read content to EOF");
$data = '';
do {
if ($chunked) {
$tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
$tmplen = strlen($tmp);
->debug("read chunk line of {$tmplen} bytes");
if ($tmplen == 0) {
$this->incoming_payload = $data;
->debug('socket read of chunk length timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
->setError('socket read of chunk length timed out');
return false;
$content_length = hexdec(trim($tmp));
->debug("chunk length {$content_length}");
$strlen = 0;
while ($strlen < $content_length && !feof($this->fp)) {
$readlen = min(8192, $content_length - $strlen);
$tmp = fread($this->fp, $readlen);
$tmplen = strlen($tmp);
->debug("read buffer of {$tmplen} bytes");
if ($tmplen == 0 && !feof($this->fp)) {
$this->incoming_payload = $data;
->debug('socket read of body timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
->setError('socket read of body timed out');
return false;
$strlen += $tmplen;
$data .= $tmp;
if ($chunked && $content_length > 0) {
$tmp = fgets($this->fp, 256);
$tmplen = strlen($tmp);
->debug("read chunk terminator of {$tmplen} bytes");
if ($tmplen == 0) {
$this->incoming_payload = $data;
->debug('socket read of chunk terminator timed out after length ' . strlen($data));
->debug("read before timeout:\n" . $data);
->setError('socket read of chunk terminator timed out');
return false;
} while ($chunked && $content_length > 0 && !feof($this->fp));
if (feof($this->fp)) {
->debug('read to EOF');
->debug('read body of length ' . strlen($data));
$this->incoming_payload .= $data;
->debug('received a total of ' . strlen($this->incoming_payload) . ' bytes of data from server');
// close filepointer
if (isset($this->incoming_headers['connection']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['connection']) == 'close' || !$this->persistentConnection || feof($this->fp)) {
$this->fp = false;
->debug('closed socket');
// connection was closed unexpectedly
if ($this->incoming_payload == '') {
->setError('no response from server');
return false;
// decode transfer-encoding
// if(isset($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->incoming_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked'){
// if(!$data = $this->decodeChunked($data, $lb)){
// $this->setError('Decoding of chunked data failed');
// return false;
// }
//print "<pre>\nde-chunked:\n---------------\n$data\n\n---------------\n</pre>";
// set decoded payload
// $this->incoming_payload = $header_data.$lb.$lb.$data;
// }
else {
if ($this->scheme == 'https') {
// send and receive
->debug('send and receive with cURL');
$this->incoming_payload = curl_exec($this->ch);
$data = $this->incoming_payload;
$cErr = curl_error($this->ch);
if ($cErr != '') {
$err = 'cURL ERROR: ' . curl_errno($this->ch) . ': ' . $cErr . '<br>';
// TODO: there is a PHP bug that can cause this to SEGV for CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE
foreach (curl_getinfo($this->ch) as $k => $v) {
$err .= "{$k}: {$v}<br>";
return false;
else {
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
// close curl
->debug('No cURL error, closing cURL');
// remove 100 header(s)
while (ereg('^HTTP/1.1 100', $data)) {
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n")) {
$data = ltrim(substr($data, $pos));
elseif ($pos = strpos($data, "\n\n")) {
$data = ltrim(substr($data, $pos));
// separate content from HTTP headers
if ($pos = strpos($data, "\r\n\r\n")) {
$lb = "\r\n";
elseif ($pos = strpos($data, "\n\n")) {
$lb = "\n";
else {
->debug('no proper separation of headers and document');
->setError('no proper separation of headers and document');
return false;
$header_data = trim(substr($data, 0, $pos));
$header_array = explode($lb, $header_data);
$data = ltrim(substr($data, $pos));
->debug('found proper separation of headers and document');
->debug('cleaned data, stringlen: ' . strlen($data));
// clean headers
foreach ($header_array as $header_line) {
$arr = explode(':', $header_line, 2);
if (count($arr) > 1) {
$header_name = strtolower(trim($arr[0]));
$this->incoming_headers[$header_name] = trim($arr[1]);
if ($header_name == 'set-cookie') {
// TODO: allow multiple cookies from parseCookie
$cookie = $this
if ($cookie) {
$this->incoming_cookies[] = $cookie;
->debug('found cookie: ' . $cookie['name'] . ' = ' . $cookie['value']);
else {
->debug('did not find cookie in ' . trim($arr[1]));
else {
if (isset($header_name)) {
// append continuation line to previous header
$this->incoming_headers[$header_name] .= $lb . ' ' . $header_line;
$arr = explode(' ', $header_array[0], 3);
$http_version = $arr[0];
$http_status = intval($arr[1]);
$http_reason = count($arr) > 2 ? $arr[2] : '';
// see if we need to resend the request with http digest authentication
if (isset($this->incoming_headers['location']) && $http_status == 301) {
->debug("Got 301 {$http_reason} with Location: " . $this->incoming_headers['location']);
$this->tryagain = true;
return false;
// see if we need to resend the request with http digest authentication
if (isset($this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']) && $http_status == 401) {
->debug("Got 401 {$http_reason} with WWW-Authenticate: " . $this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']);
if (strstr($this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate'], "Digest ")) {
->debug('Server wants digest authentication');
// remove "Digest " from our elements
$digestString = str_replace('Digest ', '', $this->incoming_headers['www-authenticate']);
// parse elements into array
$digestElements = explode(',', $digestString);
foreach ($digestElements as $val) {
$tempElement = explode('=', trim($val), 2);
$digestRequest[$tempElement[0]] = str_replace("\"", '', $tempElement[1]);
// should have (at least) qop, realm, nonce
if (isset($digestRequest['nonce'])) {
->setCredentials($this->username, $this->password, 'digest', $digestRequest);
$this->tryagain = true;
return false;
->debug('HTTP authentication failed');
->setError('HTTP authentication failed');
return false;
if ($http_status >= 300 && $http_status <= 307 || $http_status >= 400 && $http_status <= 417 || $http_status >= 501 && $http_status <= 505) {
->setError("Unsupported HTTP response status {$http_status} {$http_reason} (soapclient->response has contents of the response)");
return false;
// decode content-encoding
if (isset($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) && $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] != '') {
if (strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'deflate' || strtolower($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']) == 'gzip') {
// if decoding works, use it. else assume data wasn't gzencoded
if (function_exists('gzinflate')) {
//$timer->setMarker('starting decoding of gzip/deflated content');
// IIS 5 requires gzinflate instead of gzuncompress (similar to IE 5 and gzdeflate v. gzcompress)
// this means there are no Zlib headers, although there should be
->debug('The gzinflate function exists');
$datalen = strlen($data);
if ($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'deflate') {
if ($degzdata = @gzinflate($data)) {
$data = $degzdata;
->debug('The payload has been inflated to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
if (strlen($data) < $datalen) {
// test for the case that the payload has been compressed twice
->debug('The inflated payload is smaller than the gzipped one; try again');
if ($degzdata = @gzinflate($data)) {
$data = $degzdata;
->debug('The payload has been inflated again to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
else {
->debug('Error using gzinflate to inflate the payload');
->setError('Error using gzinflate to inflate the payload');
elseif ($this->incoming_headers['content-encoding'] == 'gzip') {
if ($degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) {
// do our best
$data = $degzdata;
->debug('The payload has been un-gzipped to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
if (strlen($data) < $datalen) {
// test for the case that the payload has been compressed twice
->debug('The un-gzipped payload is smaller than the gzipped one; try again');
if ($degzdata = @gzinflate(substr($data, 10))) {
$data = $degzdata;
->debug('The payload has been un-gzipped again to ' . strlen($data) . ' bytes');
else {
->debug('Error using gzinflate to un-gzip the payload');
->setError('Error using gzinflate to un-gzip the payload');
//$timer->setMarker('finished decoding of gzip/deflated content');
//print "<xmp>\nde-inflated:\n---------------\n$data\n-------------\n</xmp>";
// set decoded payload
$this->incoming_payload = $header_data . $lb . $lb . $data;
else {
->debug('The server sent compressed data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
->setError('The server sent compressed data. Your php install must have the Zlib extension compiled in to support this.');
else {
->debug('Unsupported Content-Encoding ' . $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']);
->setError('Unsupported Content-Encoding ' . $this->incoming_headers['content-encoding']);
else {
->debug('No Content-Encoding header');
if (strlen($data) == 0) {
->debug('no data after headers!');
->setError('no data present after HTTP headers');
return false;
return $data;