function iso8601_to_timestamp in Salesforce Suite 5
Same name in this branch
- 5 includes/nusoap.php \iso8601_to_timestamp()
- 5 includes/nusoap.orig.php \iso8601_to_timestamp()
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.php \iso8601_to_timestamp()
- 5.2 includes/nusoap.orig.php \iso8601_to_timestamp()
convert ISO 8601 compliant date string to unix timestamp
@access public
string $datestr ISO 8601 compliant date string:
- includes/
nusoap.orig.php, line 852
function iso8601_to_timestamp($datestr) {
$eregStr = '([0-9]{4})-' . '([0-9]{2})-' . '([0-9]{2})' . 'T' . '([0-9]{2}):' . '([0-9]{2}):' . '([0-9]{2})(\\.[0-9]+)?' . '(Z|[+\\-][0-9]{2}:?[0-9]{2})?';
// Z to indicate UTC, -/+HH:MM:SS.SS... for local tz's
if (ereg($eregStr, $datestr, $regs)) {
// not utc
if ($regs[8] != 'Z') {
$op = substr($regs[8], 0, 1);
$h = substr($regs[8], 1, 2);
$m = substr($regs[8], strlen($regs[8]) - 2, 2);
if ($op == '-') {
$regs[4] = $regs[4] + $h;
$regs[5] = $regs[5] + $m;
elseif ($op == '+') {
$regs[4] = $regs[4] - $h;
$regs[5] = $regs[5] - $m;
return strtotime("{$regs[1]}-{$regs[2]}-{$regs[3]} {$regs[4]}:{$regs[5]}:{$regs[6]}Z");
else {
return false;