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function hook_salesforce_api_pre_export in Salesforce Suite 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 salesforce_api.api.php \hook_salesforce_api_pre_export()

Called immediately before a Salesforce object is to be created or updated during export (e.g. sf_user_export, sf_node_export). Entity-based modules that invoke Salesforce create, update, or upsert methods should always invoke this hook before calling Salesforce. This feature was primarily designed for queue/batch support, but could have other use cases as well.

This hook is invoked after a prematching attempt. For modules that may care about such a situation, when $sf_object->sfid is empty, this is a Salesforce "create" operation. Otherwise, this is a Salesforce "update" operation.


object $sf_object: The object about to be exported to Salesforce

mixed $name: The fieldmap name used to create sf_object

string $drupal_id : The unique id of the drupal object associated with the sf_object, e.g. nid

array $map: The fieldmap array provided by salesforce_api_fieldmap_load().

Return value

Implementing modules should return FALSE if the current export should NOT proceed. Note that this will prevent further processing of implementations of this hook.

1 function implements hook_salesforce_api_pre_export()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

sf_queue_salesforce_api_pre_export in sf_queue/sf_queue.module
Implements hook_salesforce_api_pre_export
2 invocations of hook_salesforce_api_pre_export()
sf_node_export in sf_node/sf_node.module
Exports a node to Salesforce using the specified fieldmap and stores the ID of the Salesforce object for the node.
sf_user_export in sf_user/sf_user.module
Exports a user to Salesforce using the specified fieldmap and stores the ID of the Salesforce object for the user.


./hooks.php, line 224
These are the hooks that are invoked by the Salesforce core.


function hook_salesforce_api_pre_export(&$sf_object, $map, $drupal_id) {