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function safeword_value_not_unique in Safeword 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 safeword.module \safeword_value_not_unique()

Dummy callback for when uniquenes doesn't need to be checked, but FAPI checks anyway.

1 string reference to 'safeword_value_not_unique'
safeword_field_widget_form in ./safeword.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().


./safeword.module, line 533
Provides a FieldAPI field type, widget, and several formatters for a combined human readable/machine name pair of values. Possible uses include automatic generation of editable pathauto segments, handy Views argument values, and impressing friends.


function safeword_value_not_unique($name, array $element = NULL, $form_state) {
  return FALSE;