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function s3fs_cors_field_widget_form in S3 File System CORS Upload 7

Implements hook_field_widget_form().


./s3fs_cors.module, line 112
Allow uploading of files directly to AmazonS3 via the browser using CORS.


function s3fs_cors_field_widget_form(&$form, &$form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $element) {

  // A lot of this is borrowed from file_field_widget_form().
  $defaults = array(
    'fid' => 0,
    'display' => !empty($field['settings']['display_default']),
    'description' => '',

  // Load the items for form rebuilds from the field state as they might not be
  // in $form_state['values'] because of validation limitations. Also, they are
  // only passed in as $items when editing existing entities.
  $field_state = field_form_get_state($element['#field_parents'], $field['field_name'], $langcode, $form_state);
  if (isset($field_state['items'])) {
    $items = $field_state['items'];

  // Since the upload isn't going through PHP, it is limited only by S3's max
  // filesize for single-part uploads, which is 5GB.
  $validators = file_field_widget_upload_validators($field, $instance);
  $max_filesize = parse_size('5G');

  // If the user is on IE8 or 9, they can't do CORS uploads, so PHP's upload
  // size limit matters.
  if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/MSIE [8-9]\\.0/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
    $max_filesize = parse_size(file_upload_max_size());

  // If the admin has specified a smaller max size, use that.
  if (!empty($instance['settings']['max_filesize']) && parse_size($instance['settings']['max_filesize']) < $max_filesize) {
    $max_filesize = parse_size($instance['settings']['max_filesize']);
  $validators['file_validate_size'] = array(

  // We use the s3fs_cors_upload type, which is based of of the managed_file type,
  // extended with some enhancements for CORS.
  $element_info = element_info('s3fs_cors_upload');
  $element += array(
    '#type' => 's3fs_cors_upload',
    '#upload_location' => file_field_widget_uri($field, $instance),
    // TODO: See for ideas on how to
    // deal with file_field_widget_upload_validators() being too restrictive on file size.
    '#upload_validators' => $validators,
    '#value_callback' => 's3fs_cors_field_widget_value',
    '#process' => array_merge($element_info['#process'], array(
    // Allows this field to return an array instead of a single value.
    '#extended' => TRUE,
  if ($field['cardinality'] == 1) {

    // Set the default value.
    $element['#default_value'] = !empty($items) ? $items[0] : $defaults;

    // If there's only one field, return it as delta 0.
    if (empty($element['#default_value']['fid'])) {
      $element['#description'] = theme('file_upload_help', array(
        'description' => $element['#description'],
        'upload_validators' => $element['#upload_validators'],
    $elements = array(
  else {

    // If there are multiple values, add an element for each existing one.
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $elements[$delta] = $element;
      $elements[$delta]['#default_value'] = $item;
      $elements[$delta]['#weight'] = $delta;

    // And then add one more empty row for new uploads except when this is a
    // programmed form as it is not necessary.
    if (($field['cardinality'] == FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED || $delta < $field['cardinality']) && empty($form_state['programmed'])) {
      $elements[$delta] = $element;
      $elements[$delta]['#default_value'] = $defaults;
      $elements[$delta]['#weight'] = $delta;
      $elements[$delta]['#required'] = $element['#required'] && $delta == 0;

    // The group of elements all-together need some extra functionality
    // after building up the full list (like draggable table rows).
    $elements['#file_upload_delta'] = $delta;
    $elements['#theme'] = 'file_widget_multiple';
    $elements['#theme_wrappers'] = array(
    $elements['#process'] = array(
    $elements['#title'] = $element['#title'];
    $elements['#description'] = $element['#description'];
    $elements['#field_name'] = $element['#field_name'];
    $elements['#language'] = $element['#language'];
    $elements['#display_field'] = !empty($field['settings']['display_field']) ? $field['settings']['display_field'] : 0;

    // Add some properties that will eventually be added to the file upload
    // field. These are added here so that they may be referenced easily through
    // a hook_form_alter().
    $elements['#file_upload_title'] = t('Add a new file');
    $elements['#file_upload_description'] = theme('file_upload_help', array(
      'description' => '',
      'upload_validators' => $elements[0]['#upload_validators'],
  return $elements;