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function s3fs_update_7204 in S3 File System 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 s3fs.install \s3fs_update_7204()

Fix the bug in the previous update.


./s3fs.install, line 360
Install, update and uninstall functions for the S3 File System module.


function s3fs_update_7204() {

  # s3fs_update_7204() previously set the s3fs_awssdk2_use_instance_profile variable to 'unset' if

  # the previous version of the variable wasn't set. This is disastrous, as 'unset' equates to boolean true.

  # The problem has been fixed in the hook, but for anyone who updated s3fs before this new hook was written

  # will have gotten the wrong value stored into their s3fs_awssdk2_use_instance_profile variable.
  $var = variable_get('s3fs_awssdk2_use_instance_profile');
  if ($var == 'unset') {