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function rules_link_get_condition_set_name in Rules Link 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 rules_link.module \rules_link_get_condition_set_name()

Returns the name condition set to a rules link.

5 calls to rules_link_get_condition_set_name()
rules_link_check_visibility in ./rules_link.module
rules_link_component_form_submit in ./
Form API submit callback for the type form.
rules_link_features_pipe_rules_link_alter in ./rules_link.module
Implements hook_features_pipe_component_alter() for fields.
rules_link_form_submit in ./
Form API submit callback for the type form.
rules_link_load_condition_set in ./rules_link.module
Loads and returns the condition to a link. If it doesn't exist, a new one will be created.


./rules_link.module, line 93
Rules Link - module file.


function rules_link_get_condition_set_name($rules_link) {
  return 'rules_link_condition_' . $rules_link->name;