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function rules_forms_options_set_validate in Rules Forms Support 7.2

Validation callback for setting the #options attribute of an element.

1 string reference to 'rules_forms_options_set_validate'
_rules_forms_attribute_info in includes/
Retrieve a list of Form API properties with supported attributes information.


./, line 384
Rules events, conditions, and actions hooks for Rules Forms module.


function rules_forms_options_set_validate($value, RulesAbstractPlugin $element) {

  // Check for duplicate key values to prevent unexpected data loss. Require
  // all options to include a safe_key.
  $lines = explode("\n", trim($value));
  $existing_keys = array();
  $duplicate_keys = array();
  $missing_keys = array();
  $long_keys = array();
  $group = '';

  // Check each option for validity - length, existence, and duplication.
  foreach ($lines as $line) {
    $matches = array();
    $line = trim($line);
    if (preg_match('/^([^|]*)\\|(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
      $key = $matches[1];

      // Validate the length of the key.
      if (strlen($key) > 128) {
        $long_keys[] = $key;
    else {
      $missing_keys[] = $line;

    // Ensure this is not a duplicate key.
    if (isset($key)) {
      if (isset($existing_keys[$group][$key])) {
        $duplicate_keys[$key] = $key;
      else {
        $existing_keys[$group][$key] = $key;

  // Throw exceptions for validation errors.
  if (!empty($missing_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Every option must have a key specified. Specify each option as "safe_key|Some readable option'), $element);
  if (!empty($long_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Option keys must be less than 128 characters. The following keys exceed this limit:') . theme('item_list', $long_keys), $element);
  if (!empty($duplicate_keys)) {
    throw new RulesIntegrityException(t('Options within the select list must be unique. The following keys have been used multiple times:') . theme('item_list', array(
      'items' => $duplicate_keys,
    )), $element);