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class RulesConditionalWhileUI in Conditional Rules 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/ \RulesConditionalWhileUI

UI for while loops to add extra description.


Expanded class hierarchy of RulesConditionalWhileUI

1 string reference to 'RulesConditionalWhileUI'
rules_conditional_rules_plugin_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_plugin_info().


includes/, line 198
Plugin UI implementation.

View source
class RulesConditionalWhileUI extends RulesConditionalPredicateUI {
  public function form(&$form, &$form_state, $options = array(), $iterator = NULL) {
    parent::form($form, $form_state, $options);

    // Display help for while loop.
    $form['while_help'] = array(
      '#weight' => -5,
    $form['while_help']['text'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<p>',
      '#markup' => t('Configure the condition for this while loop to continue. This loop will not end until the condition evaluates to false, or the maximum limit on the number of iterations has been reached.'),
      '#suffix' => '</p>',

    // Display help to change iteration limit.
    $maxIterations = variable_get('rules_conditional_max_iterations', RULES_CONDITIONAL_MAX_ITERATIONS);
    $form['while_help']['description'] = array(
      '#prefix' => '<div class="description"><p>',
      '#markup' => t('The current limit is @limit. Note that this cannot be changed in the user interface. Although it can be changed by setting the %variable variable to another value, raising this limit must be done with care since Rules evaluation can be resource-intensive.', array(
        '@limit' => $maxIterations,
        '%variable' => 'rules_conditional_max_iterations',
      '#suffix' => '</p></div>',



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RulesConditionalPredicateUI::$predicate protected property
RulesConditionalPredicateUI::buildContent public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesContainerPluginUI::buildContent
RulesConditionalPredicateUI::form_submit public function Delegates the form submit handler to the predicate. Overrides RulesPluginUI::form_submit
RulesConditionalPredicateUI::form_validate public function Delegates the form validator to the predicate. Overrides RulesPluginUI::form_validate
RulesConditionalPredicateUI::__construct public function Provide $this->element to make the code more meaningful. Overrides RulesPluginUI::__construct
RulesConditionalWhileUI::form public function Delegates the form to the predicate. Overrides RulesConditionalPredicateUI::form
RulesContainerPluginUI::addOperations public function Gets the Add-* operations for the given element.
RulesContainerPluginUI::form_extract_values public function Applies the values of the form to the given rule configuration. Overrides RulesPluginUI::form_extract_values 3
RulesContainerPluginUI::operations public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUI::operations 1
RulesPluginUI::$basePath public static property The base path determines where a Rules overview UI lives.
RulesPluginUI::$element protected property
RulesPluginUI::defaultRedirect public static function Determines the default redirect target for an edited/deleted element.
RulesPluginUI::formDefaults public static function
RulesPluginUI::getDataTypeClass public function Returns the name of class for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues public static function Returns the state values for $form, possibly only a part of the whole form.
RulesPluginUI::getOptions public static function
RulesPluginUI::getParameterForm protected function Actually generates the parameter form for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getTags public static function
RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm public function Returns the form for configuring the info of a single variable.
RulesPluginUI::help public function Implements RulesPluginUIInterface. Overrides RulesPluginUIInterface::help
RulesPluginUI::overviewTable public static function Deprecated by the controllers overviewTable() method.
RulesPluginUI::path public static function Generates an operation path.
RulesPluginUI::settingsForm public function Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ...). 1
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormExtractValues public function 1
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormPermissionMatrix protected function Provides a matrix permission for the component based in the existing roles.
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormSubmit public function
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormValidate public function