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public function ConfigureAndExecuteTest::testConfigureAndExecute in Rules 8.3

Tests creation of a rule and then triggering its execution.


tests/src/Functional/ConfigureAndExecuteTest.php, line 60


Tests that a rule can be configured and triggered when a node is edited.




public function testConfigureAndExecute() {

  // Set up a rule that will show a system message if the title of a node
  // matches "Test title".
    ->clickLink('Add reaction rule');
    ->fillField('Label', 'Test rule');
    ->fillField('Machine-readable name', 'test_rule');
    ->fillField('React on event', 'rules_entity_presave:node');
    ->clickLink('Add condition');
    ->fillField('Condition', 'rules_data_comparison');
    ->fillField('context_definitions[data][setting]', 'node.title.0.value');
    ->fillField('context_definitions[value][setting]', 'Test title');
    ->clickLink('Add action');
    ->fillField('Action', 'rules_system_message');
    ->fillField('context_definitions[message][setting]', 'Title matched "Test title"!');
    ->fillField('context_definitions[type][setting]', 'status');

  // One more save to permanently store the rule.

  /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
  $assert = $this

  // Add a node now and check if our rule triggers.
    ->fillField('Title', 'Test title');
    ->pageTextContains('Title matched "Test title"!');

  // Add a second node with the same title and check the rule triggers again.
  // This tests that the cache update (or non-update) works OK.
  // @see
    ->fillField('Title', 'Test title');
    ->pageTextContains('Title matched "Test title"!');

  // Disable rule and make sure it doesn't get triggered.
    ->fillField('Title', 'Test title');
    ->pageTextNotContains('Title matched "Test title"!');

  // Re-enable the rule and make sure it gets triggered again.
    ->fillField('Title', 'Test title');
    ->pageTextContains('Title matched "Test title"!');

  // Edit the rule and negate the condition.
    ->clickLink('Edit', 0);

  // One more save to permanently store the rule.

  // Create node with same title and check that the message is not shown.
    ->fillField('Title', 'Test title');
    ->pageTextNotContains('Title matched "Test title"!');