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namespace Drupal\Tests\rules\Functional in Rules 8.3

Classsort descending Location Description
ActionsFormTest tests/src/Functional/ActionsFormTest.php Tests that each Rules Action can be editted.
ConditionsFormTest tests/src/Functional/ConditionsFormTest.php Tests that each Rules Condition can be editted.
ConfigureAndExecuteTest tests/src/Functional/ConfigureAndExecuteTest.php Tests that a rule can be configured and triggered when a node is edited.
RulesBrowserTestBase tests/src/Functional/RulesBrowserTestBase.php Has some additional helper methods to make test code more readable.
RulesDebugLogTest tests/src/Functional/RulesDebugLogTest.php Tests that the Rules UI pages are reachable.
RulesUiEmbedTest tests/src/Functional/RulesUiEmbedTest.php Functional test for the embedded Rules example implementation.
TempStorageTest tests/src/Functional/TempStorageTest.php Tests that editing a rule locks it for another user.
UiPageTest tests/src/Functional/UiPageTest.php Tests that the Rules UI pages are reachable.