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10 uses of RULES_ADMIN_RULE_PATH in Rules 6

rules_admin_fix_breadcrumb in rules_admin/
Fixes the breadcrumb on the rule edit/delete/revert
rules_admin_form_add_op in rules_admin/
Indenting a condition Adds a logical operation and place the given condition element inside. We automatically determine which operation is to be added.
rules_admin_form_add_rule_submit in rules_admin/
rules_admin_form_edit_delete_submit in rules_admin/
Just redirect to the delete form
rules_admin_form_edit_save in rules_admin/
Actually saves the element. Note that this handles also saving newly added elements.
rules_admin_overview_table in rules_admin/
Returns a table of rules filtered by the given parameters
theme_action in rules_admin/
Renders an action
theme_condition in rules_admin/
Renders a condition
theme_OR in rules_admin/
Themes the OR condition group
theme_rules_admin_rule_render in rules_admin/
Adds surrounding elements like headlines for conditions and actions and renders the rule