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function rules_get_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties in Rules 7.2

Helper function that retrieves a metadata wrapper with all properties.

Note that without this helper, bundle-specific properties aren't added.

2 calls to rules_get_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties()
rules_action_entity_query_info_alter in modules/
Info alteration callback for the entity query action.
rules_action_entity_query_value_options_list in modules/
Returns the options list specified for the chosen property.


./rules.module, line 1738
Rules engine module.


function rules_get_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties(RulesAbstractPlugin $element) {
  return entity_metadata_wrapper($element->settings['type'], NULL, array(
    'property info alter' => 'rules_entity_metadata_wrapper_all_properties_callback',