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function rules_exit in Rules 7.2

Implements hook_exit().

2 string references to 'rules_exit'
drush_rules_scheduler_tasks in rules_scheduler/
Command callback for processing the rules_scheduler_tasks queue.
rules_scheduler_cron in rules_scheduler/rules_scheduler.module
Implements hook_cron().


./rules.module, line 1445
Rules engine module.


function rules_exit() {

  // Bail out if this is cached request and modules are not loaded.
  if (!module_exists('rules') || !module_exists('user')) {
  if (rules_show_debug_output()) {
    if ($log = RulesLog::logger()
      ->render()) {

      // Keep the log in the session so we can show it on the next page.
      $_SESSION['rules_debug'][] = $log;

  // Log the rules log to the system log if enabled.
  if (variable_get('rules_debug_log', FALSE) && ($log = RulesLog::logger()
    ->render())) {
    watchdog('rules', 'Rules debug information: !log', array(
      '!log' => $log,