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function hook_rules_event_set_alter in Rules 7.2

Alters event sets.

This hooks allows altering rules event sets, which contain all rules that are triggered upon a specific event. Rules internally caches all rules associated to an event in an event set, which is cached for fast evaluation. This hook is invoked just before any event set is cached, thus it allows altering of the to be executed rules without the changes to appear in the UI, e.g. to add a further condition to some rules.


$event_name: The name of the event.

$event_set: The event set that is to be cached.

See also


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1 invocation of hook_rules_event_set_alter()
RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache in includes/
Rebuilds the event cache.


./rules.api.php, line 969
Documentation for hooks provided by the Rules API.


function hook_rules_event_set_alter($event_name, RulesEventSet $event_set) {