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function hook_rules_action_base_upgrade_map_name in Rules 7.2

D6 to D7 upgrade procedure hook for mapping action or condition names.

If for a module the action or condition name changed since Drupal 6, this "hook" can be implemented in order to map to the new name of the action or condition.

This is no real hook, but a callback that is invoked for each Drupal 6 action or condition that is to be upgraded to Drupal 7. E.g. the function name called for the action "rules_action_set_node_title" would be "rules_action_set_node_title_upgrade_map_name".


$element: The element array of a configured condition or action which is to be upgraded.

Return value

string The name of the action or condition which should be used.

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./rules.api.php, line 992
Documentation for hooks provided by the Rules API.


function hook_rules_action_base_upgrade_map_name($element) {
  return 'data_set';