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13 calls to rules_get_element_info() in Rules 6

rules_admin_new_variables_form in rules_admin/
Returns form elements for new variables
rules_admin_rule_proxy::element_get_new_variables in rules_admin/
Gets info about all new defined variables by the given element
rules_admin_save_element_label in rules_admin/
Saves the element label.
rules_core_action_execute in rules/modules/
Action implementation: Execute a core action
rules_core_action_execute_form in rules/modules/
Action form implementation: Get the core actions form
rules_core_action_execute_submit in rules/modules/
Action form submit implementation: Apply the core actions form submit
rules_core_action_execute_validate in rules/modules/
Apply the core actions form validation
rules_element_invoke in rules/rules.module
Invokes an element specific function. E.g. this is used for invoking actions.
rules_get_element_arguments in rules/
Gets the arguments as defined by the element.
rules_get_element_label in rules/rules.module
Gets the element's label
rules_get_mapped_argument_names in rules/
Gets the argument map, mapping the specified arguments of an element to the variable names of the currently evaluated set.
rules_get_settings_to_evaluate in rules/
Gets all settings that should be evaluated - this are manually specified settings and arguments of a data type like string, which has 'eval input' turned on.
rules_save_variables in rules/
Saves variables, which are returned by an action