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function rules_features_providing_module in Rules 6

Retrieves the providing module for any items defined with rules hooks.


$hook: The name of the hook without the 'rules_' prefix.

$name: The name of the item provided by the given hook.

Return value

The module name or FALSE if it can't be found.

2 calls to rules_features_providing_module()
rules_features_process_rule in rules/
Processes a rule and identifes needed components or dependencies.
_rules_features_process_rule in rules/
Helper to recursively process all elements of a rule.


rules/, line 206
Provides export functionality and integrates with the features module.


function rules_features_providing_module($hook, $name) {
  static $map = array();
  if (!isset($map[$hook])) {
    $map[$hook] = array();
    foreach (module_implements('rules_' . $hook) as $module) {
      if ($info = module_invoke($module, 'rules_' . $hook)) {
        $map[$hook] += array_combine(array_keys($info), array_fill(0, count($info), $module));
  return isset($map[$hook][$name]) ? $map[$hook][$name] : FALSE;