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function rules_action_invoke_set in Rules 6

Base action implementation for invoking all rule sets.

We could just call rules_invoke_rule_set(), but then the changed variables would be saved immediately. Instead we create a new evaluation state, mapping to existing variables, so the outer state takes care of saving changes for those variables.

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function rules_action_invoke_set() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $state = array_pop($args);
  $element = array_pop($args);
  $settings = array_pop($args);
  $set_name = $element['#info']['set'];
  $set = rules_get_rule_set($set_name);
  if (!$set) {
    rules_log(t("The configured rule set %set doesn't exist any more.", array(
      '%set' => $set_name,
    )), TRUE);

  // We create a new evaluation state, that maps the variables to the outer
  // state whenever possible. If necessary, we initialize new variables. So
  // we have to care for saving the changes of the new variables only.
  $new_state = array(
    'set_info' => $set['info'],
    'variables' => array(),
  $mapped_vars = array();
  $map = rules_get_mapped_argument_names($element);
  $set['info'] += array(
    'arguments' => array(),
  foreach (array_keys($set['info']['arguments']) as $i => $name) {
    if (isset($map[$name]) && isset($state['variables'][$map[$name]])) {
      $new_state['variables'][$name] =& $state['variables'][$map[$name]];
      $mapped_vars[] = $name;
    else {
      $variable = new rules_variable();
        ->construct($new_state, $name, $args[$i]);

  // Evaluate, but don't save mapped variables.
  rules_evaluate_rule_set($set_name, $set, $new_state, $mapped_vars);