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function rules_user_account_email_options_list in Rules 7.2

Options list callback for user account e-mail types.

See also


Related topics

1 call to rules_user_account_email_options_list()
rules_action_user_send_account_email in modules/
Action: Send a user account e-mail.
1 string reference to 'rules_user_account_email_options_list'
rules_user_action_info in modules/
Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the user module.


modules/, line 262
Rules integration for the user module.


function rules_user_account_email_options_list() {
  return array(
    'register_admin_created' => t('Welcome (new user created by administrator)'),
    'register_no_approval_required' => t('Welcome (no approval required)'),
    'register_pending_approval' => t('Welcome (awaiting approval)'),
    'password_reset' => t('Password recovery'),
    'status_activated' => t('Account activation'),
    'status_blocked' => t('Account blocked'),
    'cancel_confirm' => t('Account cancellation confirmation'),
    'status_canceled' => t('Account canceled'),