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public static function RulesDateOffsetProcessor::applyOffset in Rules 7.2

Intelligently applies the given date offset in seconds.

Intelligently apply duration values > 1 day, i.e. convert the duration to its biggest possible unit (months, days) and apply it to the date with the given unit. That's necessary as the number of days in a month differs, as well as the number of hours for a day (on DST changes).

2 calls to RulesDateOffsetProcessor::applyOffset()
RulesDateOffsetProcessor::process in modules/
Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
rules_action_data_calc in modules/
Action: Calculate a value.


modules/, line 185
Contains rules core integration needed during evaluation.


A data processor for applying date offsets.


public static function applyOffset($timestamp, $offset) {
  if (abs($offset) >= 86400) {

    // Get the days out of the seconds.
    $days = intval($offset / 86400);
    $sec = $offset % 86400;

    // Get the months out of the number of days.
    $months = intval($days / 30);
    $days = $days % 30;

    // Apply the offset using the DateTime::modify and convert it back to a
    // timestamp.
    $date = date_create("@{$timestamp}");
      ->modify("{$months} months {$days} days {$sec} seconds");
    return $date
  else {
    return $timestamp + $offset;