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abstract public function RulesDataProcessor::process in Rules 7.2

Processes the value.

If $this->processor is set, invoke this processor first so chaining multiple processors is working.


$value: The value to process.

$info: Info about the parameter for which we process the value.

RulesState $state: The rules evaluation state.

RulesPlugin $element: The element for which we process the value.

Return value

The processed value.

4 methods override RulesDataProcessor::process()
RulesDataInputEvaluator::process in includes/
Overridden to generate evaluator $options and invoke evaluate().
RulesDateOffsetProcessor::process in modules/
Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::process in modules/
Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesPHPDataProcessor::process in modules/
Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().


includes/, line 211
Contains classes for data processing.


Common base class for Rules data processors.


public abstract function process($value, $info, RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $element);