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Functions in Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_rrssb_plugin includes/ Callback for the drush command to download the RRSSB library. 1 1
drush_rrssb_post_pm_enable includes/ Implements drush_MODULE_post_pm_enable().
hook_rrssb_buttons ./rrssb.api.php Provide configuration for social share buttons.
hook_rrssb_buttons_alter ./rrssb.api.php Alter the configuration for social share buttons provided by other modules.
rrssb_appearance ./rrssb.module Fetch appearance settings. These are the configuration parameters to pass to the library. 2
rrssb_block_info ./rrssb.module Implements hook_block_info().
rrssb_block_view ./rrssb.module Implements hook_block_view().
rrssb_drush_command includes/ Implements hook_drush_command().
rrssb_drush_help includes/ Implements hook_drush_help().
rrssb_field_extra_fields ./rrssb.module Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
rrssb_flush_caches ./rrssb.module Implements hook_flush_caches(); 2
rrssb_form ./rrssb.module Implements hook_form(). 1
rrssb_form_node_type_form_alter ./rrssb.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
rrssb_form_submit ./rrssb.module Submit handler for rrssb_form(). 1
rrssb_form_validate ./rrssb.module Verify handler for rrssb_form(). 1
rrssb_gen_css ./rrssb.module Auto-generate CSS for buttons. 1
rrssb_get_buttons ./rrssb.module Returns a Drupal render array for the buttons. 2
rrssb_get_chosen ./rrssb.module Return the chosen buttons, or the default values if not yet set. 2
rrssb_libraries_info ./rrssb.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
rrssb_menu ./rrssb.module Implements hook_menu().
rrssb_node_prepare ./rrssb.module Implements hook_node_prepare().
rrssb_node_type_callback ./rrssb.module Custom handler to save rrssb info. 1
rrssb_node_view ./rrssb.module Implements hook_node_view().
rrssb_permission ./rrssb.module Implements hook_permission().
rrssb_requirements ./rrssb.module Implements hook_requirements().
rrssb_rrssb_buttons ./ Implements hook_rrssb_buttons().
rrssb_settings ./rrssb.module Fetch buttons settings. 3
rrssb_theme ./rrssb.module Implements hook_theme().
rrssb_tokens ./rrssb.module Implements hook_tokens().
rrssb_uninstall ./rrssb.install Implements hook_uninstall().
rrssb_update_7201 ./rrssb.install Update to background images for buttons.
template_preprocess_rrssb_button ./rrssb.module Preprocess function for rrssb_button.
theme_rrssb_button ./rrssb.module Theme function for rrssb_button. Prints a single button.
theme_rrssb_button_list ./rrssb.module Theme function for rrssb_button_list. Prints the list of all buttons.
theme_rrssb_config_buttons ./rrssb.module Theme function for rrssb_config_buttons. Prints the table for the buttons config in the settings form.
_rrssb_urlencode ./rrssb.module Helper function to URL encode. 1

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