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function _royalslider_jqeasing_options in RoyalSlider Integration 7

List of all easing methods available from jQuery Easing v1.3.

Note: This should really go in the jqeasing module. But we're keeping it here since that module doesn't seem like it's getting updated too often.

Return value


1 call to _royalslider_jqeasing_options()
royalslider_option_elements in ./
Defines the form elements used to edit the RoyalSlider library options


./royalslider.module, line 578
RoyalSlider module.


function _royalslider_jqeasing_options() {
  $easing_methods =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($easing_methods)) {
    $easing_methods = array(

    // Allow other modules to alter this.
    drupal_alter('royalslider_easing', $easing_methods);

    // Make this into an associative array.
    $easing_methods = drupal_map_assoc($easing_methods);
  return $easing_methods;