README.txt in RoyalSlider Integration 7
Views Slideshow: RoyalSlider
RoyalSlider slideshow mode for Views Slideshow.
The Views Slideshow: RoyalSlider module adds a Views display for showing rows as items
in a jQuery slideshow. Rows could be single images, full nodes, fields, or
whatever else that Views can display.
You can set the following options:
-- Option set:
The "Option Set" to use for this RoyalSlider.
-- Skin:
The skin to use for this RoyalSlider.
-- Image:
This field will be used as the main image.
-- Caption
This field will be the caption of the slide.
View source
- Views Slideshow: RoyalSlider
- ============================
- RoyalSlider slideshow mode for Views Slideshow.
- Description
- ===========
- The Views Slideshow: RoyalSlider module adds a Views display for showing rows as items
- in a jQuery slideshow. Rows could be single images, full nodes, fields, or
- whatever else that Views can display.
- You can set the following options:
- -- Option set:
- The "Option Set" to use for this RoyalSlider.
- -- Skin:
- The skin to use for this RoyalSlider.
- -- Image:
- This field will be used as the main image.
- -- Caption
- This field will be the caption of the slide.