function rooms_preprocess_rooms_three_month_calendar in Rooms - Drupal Booking for Hotels, B&Bs and Vacation Rentals 7
Default implementation of hook_preprocess_rooms_three_month_calendar().
Here we setup the three-month calendar based on a specified year, month, and url.
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rooms.module, line 1268 - Provides basic underlying functionality and configuration options used by all Rooms modules
function rooms_preprocess_rooms_three_month_calendar(&$vars) {
// Load FullCalendar.
// Add css styles for three-month-calendar.
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'rooms_availability') . '/css/rooms_three_month_calendar.css');
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'rooms_availability') . '/css/fullcalendar.theme.css');
// If dates are not provided then use the current date.
$year = empty($vars['year']) ? date('Y', time()) : check_plain($vars['year']);
$month = empty($vars['month']) ? date('n', time()) : check_plain($vars['month']);
// Inject settings in javascript that will be used to setup the three months
// display.
'roomsCalendar' => array(
'currentMonth' => intval($month),
), 'setting');
'roomsCalendar' => array(
'currentYear' => intval($year),
), 'setting');
'roomsCalendar' => array(
'firstDay' => intval(variable_get('date_first_day', 0)),
), 'setting');
// Calculate forward and back dates for the 3-month view calendar.
$date1 = new DateTime("{$year}-{$month}-1");
$date2 = new DateTime("{$year}-{$month}-1");
$date_current = new DateTime("now");
$forward = $date1
->add(new DateInterval('P3M'));
$backward = $date2
->sub(new DateInterval('P3M'));
// Create the links based off the url variable passed in.
if (!isset($vars['url'])) {
$vars['url'] = '';
$forward_path = $vars['url'] . '/' . $forward
->format('Y') . '/' . $forward
$backward_path = $vars['url'] . '/' . $backward
->format('Y') . '/' . $backward
$current_path = $vars['url'] . '/' . $date_current
->format('Y') . '/' . $date_current
if (!is_array($vars['link_options']) || empty($vars['link_options'])) {
$vars['link_options'] = array();
$vars['forward_link'] = l(t('Forward'), $forward_path, $vars['link_options']);
$vars['backward_link'] = l(t('Back'), $backward_path, $vars['link_options']);
$vars['current_link'] = l(t('Current'), $current_path, $vars['link_options']);